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  • gnet Friend

    I’m trying to change the editor from TinyMCE2.0 editor to NO EDITOR. When I change it to NO EDITOR under site configuration it dosen’t change the editor, when I create an article TinyMCE2.0 still shows up. Does anybody have any suggestions on how I can temporary change the editor?

    I’m running Joomla 1.5.6

    scotty Friend

    By ‘No editor’ Joomla means no WYSIWYG editor. You will still see a HTML editor which looks like Tiny but has no icons etc.

    If it is STILL tiny that is showing up after you have selected No Editor then it is because your config file is unwritable

    gnet Friend

    I chmod configuration.php to 777 and still the TinyMCE2.0 shows up. Is there a step i’m missing, can someone suggest something else to try?

    scotty Friend

    Are you clicking ‘Save’ after you select No Editor?

    gnet Friend

    Yes, Apply then Save

    scotty Friend

    Open configuration.php and look for line…

    var $editor = ‘tinymce’; and change to var $editor = ‘none’; and save.

    gnet Friend

    This is the entire config file

    class JConfig {
    var $offline = ‘0’;
    var $editor = ‘none’;
    var $list_limit = ’20’;
    var $helpurl = ‘’;
    var $debug = ‘0’;
    var $debug_lang = ‘0’;
    var $sef = ‘0’;
    var $sef_rewrite = ‘0’;
    var $sef_suffix = ‘0’;
    var $feed_limit = ’10’;
    var $secret = ‘EMwFRPGhZ4d7a2LF’;
    var $gzip = ‘0’;
    var $error_reporting = ‘-1’;
    var $xmlrpc_server = ‘0’;
    var $log_path = ‘/home/gnet/’;
    var $tmp_path = ‘/home/gnet/’;
    var $live_site = ”;
    var $offset = ‘-8’;
    var $caching = ‘0’;
    var $cachetime = ’15’;
    var $cache_handler = ‘file’;
    var $memcache_settings = array();
    var $ftp_enable = ‘0’;
    var $ftp_host = ‘’;
    var $ftp_port = ’21’;
    var $ftp_user = ‘Michael’;
    var $ftp_pass = ‘
    var $ftp_root = ”;
    var $dbtype = ‘mysql’;
    var $host = ‘’;
    var $user = ‘mrg6873’;
    var $db = ‘ccssalem’;
    var $dbprefix = ‘jos_’;
    var $mailer = ‘mail’;
    var $mailfrom = ‘’;
    var $fromname = ‘Covered Computer Services’;
    var $sendmail = ‘/usr/sbin/sendmail’;
    var $smtpauth = ‘0’;
    var $smtpuser = ”;
    var $smtppass = ”;
    var $smtphost = ‘localhost’;
    var $MetaAuthor = ‘1’;
    var $MetaTitle = ‘1’;
    var $lifetime = ‘120’;
    var $session_handler = ‘database’;
    var $password = ‘
    var $sitename = ‘Covered Computer Services’;
    var $MetaDesc = ‘Covered Computer Services’;
    var $MetaKeys = ‘Covered Computer Services’;
    var $offline_message = ‘This site is down for maintenance. Please check back again soon.’;

    scotty Friend

    You are not using tinyMCE! You are using No editor. Read my first post again.

    …and remove your password from the post above!!

    gnet Friend

    not sure I follow you? I don’t want to use any editor but the editor shows up when I open up an article. See attachment.

    1. Editor
    scotty Friend

    do you have more that one installation of Joomla on your server? It may be that your calling from a different config file.

    Also… in the admin backend got to Tools>Clean Cache

    Might as well clear your cache on you browser too.

    Your config file says that no editor is set so I really can’t understand how Tiny would still load unless there are two config files conflicting.

    gnet Friend

    I figured it out… I changed the editor setting under user manager for the user I was logging into and it stuck. I guess it needs to be set there as well.

    gnet Friend

    Thanks for all your help Scotty

    scotty Friend

    ah you were talking about the front end! lol

    you’re welcome.!

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