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  • brentwilliams2 Friend

    I have several applications in the system, but when we try to download them, it just refreshes the page.

    However, I am able to download the same resume on the back end:

    I have tested this in both Chrome and IE.

    As a side note, downloading applications has worked in the past – this seems to be an intermittent problem.

    I will PM Her0 the login for the front-end account that is receiving applications, so he can see it.

    1. Unable-to-download-applications-1
    2. Unable-to-download-applications-2
    Anonymous Moderator


    Our moderator of Job Board forum is off work today and he will check your questions tomorrow.

    We really appreciate your understanding on this.


    HeR0 Friend

    Hi There,

    I just checked on your site and could download resume (cv) from application on both front end and back end.

    Kindly check again.

    brentwilliams2 Friend

    I went back to test and clicked on the earliest application received on that account. Like before, the page refreshed again without downloading. Then I tried the one above it, and it downloaded correctly. I tried the last one again, and then it suddenly downloaded as well.

    The problem is that this issue is happening but intermittently. I never have the issue on the back-end. I don’t know how to troubleshoot if it only happens some of the time.

    HeR0 Friend

    I’m not sure that about this issue. You can keep track of this and let me know if it occurs many times.

    brentwilliams2 Friend

    It is happening again. Here is a video to prove that the applications are not downloading. In Chrome, there should be a popup at the bottom of the screen showing each download.

    What video shows:
    1) Going to the last page and trying to download the applications
    2) The application does not download, and then refreshes the page, sending me back to page 1
    3) I go back to page 3 and try again, with same result

    Please note that this has worked in the past, and also not worked in the past. So it’s not a simple issue that it is not working.

    Update: It is working again! This is SO FRUSTRATING!

    brentwilliams2 Friend

    Although I updated that the downloads are working, this does not mean the issue is fixed. It just means that it works sometimes and doesn’t other times, which is causing big headaches for my clients. This entire component is wasted if the employers can’t consistently get to their applications!

    Her0, please take a look at this and help.

    HeR0 Friend

    Dear Brent,

    I have just changed href of <a> tag from # to link to resolve your issue.

    Kindly check ! 🙂

    brentwilliams2 Friend

    THANK YOU!!! I see the new link, and everything seems to be working good. I’ll test periodically to make sure that it doesn’t stop working again.

    Can you tell me what file you changed so I can make a note of it on my end?

    HeR0 Friend

    I edited this file views/applications/tmpl/jaempllist.php.

    Pls check again.

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This topic contains 10 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  HeR0 11 years, 5 months ago.

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