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  • vince2 Friend


    This is the second day of my membership, so I’m a newbie here. I’m trying to install the JA Nerine template and get the following error:

    “No file selected…
    Unable to find install package”

    I’m using Joomla 1.5.0 on my laptop computer–not hosted. I did not set up any FTP credentials, such as username, nor password, when I installed Joomla–not sure if this should make a difference.

    I’m trying to upload the quickstart zip file at the Admininstration > Extensions > Install/Uninstall page.

    Thanks for your help.

    kashxo Friend

    Try to install other template, or some modules and tell me if it success.

    blixa_06 Friend

    You can’t install the quickstart-package as a template, since this is a all in one solution. If you have joomla runing already just install the ja_nerine.zip. If this works, set it as the default template.

    vince2 Friend


    I downloaded ja_mageia.zip and tried to install, but received the following fatal error:

    Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 8388608 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 1475396 bytes) in C:wampwwwpbrlibrariesjoomlafilesystemfile.php on line 243


    I tried your suggestion, too, installing just the ja_nerine.zip file. Similar to the error received in trying to install a different template (ja_mageia), I got the following error message:

    Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 8388608 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 6144 bytes) in C:wampwwwpbrlibrariesjoomlautilitiessimplexml.php(306) : eval()’d code on line 1

    Your help is greatly appreciated!

    kashxo Friend

    Im afraid this problem is out of templates support service, but I will help you anyway 🙂

    You got this error because the memory requirements exceed the default 8MB limit. There’re some ways to get rid of it.
    1. You put this line in to configuration.php of your current joomla!

    2. (Recommended) If you got permission to edit php ini file: open it and put this line in:
    [PHP]memory_limit = 16M[/PHP]

    3. If you have .htaccess file, edit it and put this line:
    [PHP]php_value memory_limit “16M”[/PHP]

    If you still get that error, try to increase value of memory (like 20M, 25M,…)
    Hope this help.

    vince2 Friend

    Hello Kashxo,

    What I don’t understand is why I should have to go through these modifications at all. Is this a common adjustment, or could this have happened as a result of something I did in the installation?

    If this error is due to something I did in the installation, what should I have done to prevent the error from occurring?

    I’ll try what you suggested; I’d just like to be able to prevent this from occurring in the future–nothing like a clean install, don’t you agree?

    I’m trying to understand how Joomla works, so your response to these questions is greatly appreciated. Others will probably benefit, as well.

    Thanks again for your generous assistance.

    kashxo Friend

    Yeah, I know that you’ll be confused on non-standart modification. Just notice that every system is different and you are not the only one get that error. I’ve found out that many mambo users got this Fatal error while installing some package.
    Back to the solution, It’s doing nothing but change the memory requirement for application running under PHP, and It’s should work with no error in the future.

    Tell me the result when you done. 🙂

    ErikThorsen Friend

    Basically Vince, this means your “hosting platform” is too weak. In other words, not enough memory is allocated to do the job. Like on your laptop, if you wanna run a big, bold game with lots of graphics, a shared 16mb graphic card just want do the job if you are gonna need more than 256mb.

    So basically this has to do with the “hosting platform” you have set up ( or if you choose a web hosting provider which has set the memory too low ) you will experience these types of problems.

    Increasing the allocated memory, I would suggest, if you can, to increase all the way up to 32mb as that would also “take care of” possible future upgrades and other components like mosets tree and so on require ( as far as I remember ) up to 32mb of memory to perform optimal.

    vince2 Friend

    Thanks for the explanation, guys.

    I’m gonna try this later today. I’ll let you know what happens.

    ErikThorsen Friend

    Oh, just another quick note. See you write you are using Joomla 1.5. Is that supported in this template? Not sure myself. Anyone?

    vince2 Friend

    Hi Kashxo and Erik,

    I haven’t dealt with the template on my own computer for the past few days–tried your suggestions, but no resolution. So, I’ve been working on the hosted version, instead. I figure once I get a little more experience with Joomla in general, I may be in a better position to work on the version on my local machine.

    Thank you for your help. If you do come up with any other ideas, feel free to post!

    Again, thank you.

    stuart29 Friend

    i dont think this template does support 1.5 i remember reading a old post someone asking if joomlart templates are 1.5 compatible and the answer was not at the moment


    vince2 Friend

    Joomla does seem to work when the Legacy plug-in is enabled. I’m just not finding the place to increase my memory allocation on my computer, so that I can install the JA Nerine template on my local machine.

    Any suggestions are greatly appreciated!


    stuart29 Friend

    well i use http://www.apachefriends.org/en/xampp.html for testing i am currently running joomla 1.3 and 1.5 i will try and install JA Nerine

    vince2 Friend

    Good luck, Stuart. Look forward to hearing how it goes.

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