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  • renegades Friend

    Hi – I need to complete this site ASAP, but for some reason i’m unable to upload any modules or component.

    See error message when Ive tried installing ja slideshow…

    (JFolder::create: Could not create directory
    Module Install: Failed to create directory.: “/services/webpages/m/o/mochatreemedia.com/public/modules/mod_jaslideshow2”)

    Any help is greatly appreciated.


    bennitos Friend

    Try to enable ftp mode in your global configuration:

    site—>global configuration—>server—>FTP settings

    Fill in the required information and enable ftp mode and try again, that will most likely solve your permissions problems.

    Phill Moderator

    To further what bennitos wrote, this is a permissions problem on your setup. The ftp layer can help but I always prefer to fix things other ways where possible. There are many server configurations out there. It is quite common for safe mode to be enabled in such away that it prevents the creation of new directories and this is a common cause of this error. It could just be that the parent folder has the wrong permissiond or ownership.

    You should speak to your host and see if they can help.

    renegades Friend

    <em>@bennitos 148558 wrote:</em><blockquote>Try to enable ftp mode in your global configuration:

    site—>global configuration—>server—>FTP settings

    Fill in the required information and enable ftp mode and try again, that will most likely solve your permissions problems.</blockquote>
    Hi – thanks for the reply. I went ahead and change the FTP setting on site configuration, but that did not work. Any other suggestion?


    renegades Friend

    <em>@phill luckhurst 148563 wrote:</em><blockquote>To further what bennitos wrote, this is a permissions problem on your setup. The ftp layer can help but I always prefer to fix things other ways where possible. There are many server configurations out there. It is quite common for safe mode to be enabled in such away that it prevents the creation of new directories and this is a common cause of this error. It could just be that the parent folder has the wrong permissiond or ownership.

    You should speak to your host and see if they can help.</blockquote>
    Hi Phill,
    Can you please provide further instruction on how to accomplish this. I contacted the help desk at my hosting server and they did not seem to know how or what to do re: enabling the permission.

    Thanks for your help again.

    renegades Friend

    Any additional suggestion team???

    renegades Friend

    Do you have any additional suggestion to why your comment did not work? Any advice is greatly appreciated.

    Phill Moderator

    Check your phpinfo (from the joomla back end in the help tab) and see if safe mode is enabled. If it is then you will probably have to use the ftp layer.


    If not then your files will need to be owned by a group that the script can write to.

    Tell your host that the script is unable to create folders due to permission issues. Before you do that, try installing something and note the exact time that it failed. If you pass this time onto your host they should be able to check the logs and see what error is generated.

    This really is a hosting issue and there is little we can do to fix this for you.

    mihirc Friend

    <em>@renegades 148552 wrote:</em><blockquote>Hi – I need to complete this site ASAP, but for some reason i’m unable to upload any modules or component.

    See error message when Ive tried installing ja slideshow…

    (JFolder::create: Could not create directory
    Module Install: Failed to create directory.: “/services/webpages/m/o/mochatreemedia.com/public/modules/mod_jaslideshow2”)

    Any help is greatly appreciated.


    Looking at your problem. Did you try this?

    Unzip the module, and copy the folders directly in the /modules folder?

    The JFolder problem most probably means that it could not auto create a folder. So create a folder of it. Do a manual install.

    Mihir Chhatre.

    Phill Moderator

    The problem is mihirc, many modules or components add files in other places. Some components or modules also need to create folders as they run including the frontpage component built into the template (for resizing images etc). While your suggestion will probably allow this particular module to install it does not fix the underlying problem.

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