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  • khasantaher Friend

    I am new to JA templates.
    I have installed JA Charity through Quick start.
    After complete installation ja_charity is set as default template style, when I try to set any other one (e.g. BEEZ3 – Default or ja_charity default Church) as DEFAULT style, on backend it displays as it has changed, but on frot end original ja_charity Default keeps on displaying.

    I have tried completely removing and re-installing it, infact I tried the other template Uber too, and it has the same issue

    Please Advise

    pavit Moderator

    Hi there

    Your home menu item has assigned as default template the ja_charity-home style, if you want to change menu item template style and use default then you will need to modify it as showed below.

    1. Screenshot-at-ott-30-19-32-03
    khasantaher Friend

    Oh. OK Thanks.

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This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  khasantaher 8 years, 2 months ago.

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