Hi, i got an issue with Opal, at first install (quick fresh joomla installation) i got this error:
Notice: Undefined variable: setimagearray in E:EasyPHP 3.0wwwmodulesmod_jaslideshow2mod_jaslideshow2.php on line 85
Notice: Undefined variable: orderby in E:EasyPHP 3.0wwwmodulesmod_jaslideshow2mod_jaslideshow2.php on line 86
Notice: Undefined variable: sort in E:EasyPHP 3.0wwwmodulesmod_jaslideshow2mod_jaslideshow2.php on line 86
Here are the line:
if (trim($setimagearray) != “”) $images = explode(“,”, $setimagearray = “”);
else $images = modJaSlideshowHelper::getFileInDir($folder, $orderby, $sort );
Can someone solve me this?