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  • rubygirl Friend

    on the home page, the main module that lists the articles is displaying articles that are not published yet. Those same articles however are flagged in the admin area as unpublished (because date is not here yet) and if the articles are called by a menu item or the category is displayed the articles are listed as they should be meaning they are unpublished with a border around them. So the issue seems to be with the module itself publishing items that should not be published yet by ignoring the publishing date. Are there settings I am missing that I need to set? Never had a module publish articles that are marked as unpublished in the admin area.

    Ninja Lead Moderator


    You can let me know the steps to replicate get this bug. So that i can check this issue . Or send me your site Admin login details and Page URL with issue description .
    I will check it .


    rubygirl Friend

    the issue is in the featured articles module that is on the home page – unpublished articles don’t display anywhere else (which is good) except in the module for articles. The module shows all articles entered into admin, even if the date is in the future.

    rubygirl Friend
    This reply has been marked as private.
    Ninja Lead Moderator


    This is not a bug because it is a new feature of Joomla core: http://prntscr.com/d40mx2 when you set your site is down for maintenance and it requires username/password to login your site and it will show the unpublished article but it doesn’t show with the visitor. You can set Site Offline to NO and you will not able to see the unpublished article showing on your site.


    rubygirl Friend

    i might not be communicating this right .. i understand your response but that is NOT what i’m talking about. The whole site works right re: unpublished articles. Everywhere except in the top article category section on the home page. Other unpublished articles show with a border, etc like they should. In the home page content-mass-top section however that has the article category module that module is showing the articles, even if they are unpublished and they do not have a border, or labeled as unpublished, etc. So the module has the bug because it is showing articles that should be unpublished like articles that are published and it is only in that module.

    Ninja Lead Moderator

    @rubygirl: Please give me the FTP account of your site via private reply. I will help you to detect further

    rubygirl Friend

    Im sorry but I don’t have ftp information. Is there anything else you can recommend?

    Ninja Lead Moderator

    Im sorry but I don’t have ftp information. Is there anything else you can recommend?

    I see your site is published but I could not know which the module have a problem on your site? Please let me know about that and you need to set the account of your provided with permission Super Users. I will check further

    rubygirl Friend
    This reply has been marked as private.
    Ninja Lead Moderator


    I checked both articles on your site with the status "pending" http://prntscr.com/d5g2af and it didn’t show on homepage of your site. I set the same publish date as your site at my end and it’s working as well.

    About the publish on mod_articles_category module, you can use this way to show it on your site

    • Download and extract my attached file

    • Copy default.php file to templates/ja_moviemax/html/mod_articles_category folder

    Now, you can see the publish is showing on mod_articles_category: http://prntscr.com/d5gbj0


    rubygirl Friend

    it does seem to be working now -thank you!

    now the issue is the time that is displayed – for example – I added an article yesterday and it posted right away like it should – but the time showed "7 hours ago" even though the time in the admin was that minute. Any ideas?

    Ninja Lead Moderator


    I guess your site is using caching: http://prntscr.com/d5rga9 and you can try to clear it when you post new article


    rubygirl Friend

    i dont understand – the moment i post an article, on the home page, only in the top category module, it shows 7 hours ago. if i click on the article it shows the time right.

    Ninja Lead Moderator


    I fixed the problem on your site with the solution below

    Open templates/ja_moviemax/html/mod_articles_category/articlelist.php file

    find and change

    <time datetime="<?php echo $item->displayDate; ?>"><?php echo $item->displayDate;?><?php echo JATemplateHelper::relTime($item->displayDate); ?></time>


    <time datetime="<?php echo JHtml::_('date', $item->publish_up, 'c'); ?>"><?php echo JATemplateHelper::relTime($item->publish_up); ?></time>

    Let me know if it helps


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