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  • guffas Friend

    I have seached the forum, and can not find anyone mentioning this bug, so I need to make a new post about it.

    This bug does not reveal itself if one uses the standard setup that comes with the quickstart.

    I use latest and UNMODIFIED ja_mageia version 1.4 on a fresh and unmodified install of joomla 1.5.10. No third party modules installed

    From a business point of view I don’t like to have the top mainmenu have the same content as the side menu, so I moved the “mainmenu” into posision “header”, and created a new sidemenu.

    Then I added two links in the top mainmenu as Menu Link ALIAS, as I only want the top menuline to ONLY show links to the main business areas, so to not clutter the top header menu with too many links.
    The side menu holds a lot of article links, which two of them are linked (as said above) from the top menu alias links.

    THE BUG: When the top header menu alias links are clicked, they don’t highligt as they should, and the links in the sidemenu (which the top header alias points to) should also be highlighted, and expanded if subitems are there, but it does not highlight or expand as they should.

    In standard joomla template RHUK Milkyway this functionality works as expected, but not when ja_mageia is chosen template.

    If you look at the picture below, you will see that I have clicked top header menu link/tab “ALIAS MAIN BUSINESS AREA 1” This button should then highlight, but does not.
    Also the side menu item “MAIN BUSINESS AREA 1” (which the top menu alias item ponts to) should be highlighted, and expanded, as it has submenus, but it does not highligt, and does not expand.

    Same way the other way around, if I initially click the side menu item “MAIN BUSINESS AREA 1”, then the top header menu item “ALIAS MAIN BUSINESS AREA 1” should also be highlighted, but does not.

    Anyone know what I can do to fix this problem?

    1. alias-bug
    guffas Friend

    BTW, this bug is easy to reproduce:

    Install fresh joomla 1.5.10 (no example data)
    Install Ja_Mageia template.
    Move module “mainmenu” to position “header”
    Create new menumodule (sidemenu) and publish in “left” position (Menu style: Legacy Vertical)
    Create uncategorized test article named “Test”
    Create uncartegorized test article named “Test 2”
    In side menu, create menu item pointing to article “Test”
    In side menu, create menu item pointing to article “Test 2” and place it as subitem to menuitem “Test”
    In top header menu (mainmenu), create ALIAS menu item named “Test” that point to sidemenu item “Test”

    Then go on frontpage and click the top header menu HOME, it highlights as it should.
    Then click on the top header menu item ALIAS named “Test”, it SHOULD highlight (but does not), and the sidemenuitem “Test” should also be highlighted and expanded, so submenuitem “Test 2” is also shown (but does not).

    Then reload the frontpage, and click on the sidemenuitem “Test”, it highlights and expands as it should, but the top menu item ALIAS “Test” does not highlight, as it should as it is directly linked to active sidemenu item “Test”.

    Again, this functionality work as expected and without any problem in native joomla using RHUK Milkyway template, and also works in Ja_Purity, but gets broken when using Ja_Mageia

    Please help anyone? I like Ja_Mageia and would really like to have this work properly.

    guffas Friend

    It puzzles me a bit that this thread still remain unanswered by the support crew/developers. Have I said something wrong? Missed some “proper conduct”, or done something else wrong?

    In my opinion, the bug I report in this thread is obviously a bug in Ja_Mageia that I would tend to think the developers would be interested in fixing?

    Is there something else I must do to get help?

    guffas Friend

    I don’t mind trying to fix this myself, but I am no coder, so I will probably need some help and guidence.

    Is there some other joomlart template where this functionality work as it should? If so, can I copy some code from such a template and put into Ja_Mageia in order to fix this functionality?
    I have tried to look into Ja_Purity code, as it works in this template, but the codestructure is so different between these two templates that I could not figure out how to take code from Ja_Purity and make it work in Ja_Mageia.

    Anyone able to help me a bit?

    guffas Friend

    I may be getting somewhere, but only half way there, and I have no clue what the code does, or if it will ruin some other functionality.

    But here is what I have done so far:

    Seaching the net for
    if ($item->type == 'menulink')
    I found references to modules/mod_mainmenu/helper.php which have almost similar code as the related code in ja_mageia/ja_menus/Base_class.php


    if ($item->type == 'menulink')
    $menu = &JSite::getMenu();
    $alias_item = clone($menu->getItem($item->query['Itemid']));
    if (!$alias_item) {
    return false;
    } else {
    $tmp = $item;
    $tmp->url = $alias_item->link;
    } else {
    $tmp = $item;


    // Menu Link is a special type that is a link to another item
    if ($item->type == 'menulink')
    $menu = &JSite::getMenu();
    if ($newItem = $menu->getItem($item->query['Itemid'])) {
    $tmp = clone($newItem);
    $tmp->name = '<span><!]></span>';
    $tmp->mid = $item->id;
    $tmp->parent = $item->parent;
    } else {
    return false;
    } else {
    $tmp = clone($item);
    $tmp->name = '<span><!]></span>';

    I took the code from helper.php and put into Base_class.php and then modified it a bit to “look more like” the original one in Base_class.php, so it look like this;

    if ($item->type == 'menulink')
    $menu = &JSite::getMenu();
    if ($alias_item = $menu->getItem($item->query['Itemid'])) {
    $tmp = clone($alias_item);
    $tmp->name = $item->name;
    $tmp->mid = $item->id;
    $tmp->parent = $item->parent;
    } else {
    return false;
    } else {
    $tmp = clone($item);
    $tmp->name = $item->name;

    This codechange resulted in getting me HALF the way. (and again, I dont have a clue what the code does, I am no coder) In relation to the setup I wrote about in my second post, about how to reproduce the bug, this change now make it so when I click the “Test” menu item in the sidemenu, then it highlight and expands as it should, AND clicking the sidemenu item “Test” also make so the mainmenu item ALIAS “TEST” now ALSO HIGHLIGHTS.

    But now the mainmenu item alias “TEST” is not clickable. It seems like the only codechange or help I need now is to find the little codechange or codesnippet to make it also work the other way around, so to make the mainmenu item alias clickable so it links to, highligts and expand the correct target menu item.

    guffas Friend

    Another little step forward

    The code now look like this:

    if ($item->type == 'menulink')
    $menu = &JSite::getMenu();
    if ($alias_item = $menu->getItem($item->query['Itemid'])) {
    $tmp = clone($alias_item);
    $tmp->name = $item->name;
    $tmp->mid = $item->id;
    $tmp->parent = $item->parent;
    $tmp->url = $alias_item->link;
    } else {
    return false;
    } else {
    $tmp = clone($item);
    $tmp->name = $item->name;

    Now the mainmenu item ALIAS “TEST” now is clickable and opens the target article. But still the alias item does not highligt when clicked, and does not highligt and expand the target sidemenu item “Test”

    guffas Friend

    I must admit I am very surprised about the lack of support. Makes me wonder a bit what exaclty I have paid $70 for….

    Just for the purpose of testing, I have downloaded Ja_Opal, to see if this functionality has been fixed in some of the latest released templates, but no luck, the bug is still there in Ja_Opal also.

    This may indicate that all Joomlart templates have this bug/or lack of support for basic core joomla functionality. If so, then….would it not be a good idea for the developers to give this issue some needed attention?

    I am fully aware that not all templates are designed to highligt the active item, but Ja_Mageia is, and thus it should also work when the clicked/active item is an alias item. In addition, all functional templates that has support for core joomla functionality does expand the target menu item if subitems are there, so this should also work in Joomlart templates. Basic functionality should be there, at least that is what I expect when I join a template club and pay $70 to have a “professional designed” template on my website….

    I don’t demand a perfect template from the get go, I do understand that bugs can occur, and functionality may have been forgotten when template designed, but at least show up in the forumthread and read your customers request for support, and at least say hello and tell us you are working on it…

    ShannonN Friend

    guffas;122483I must admit I am very surprised about the lack of support. Makes me wonder a bit what exaclty I have paid $70 for….

    Just for the purpose of testing, I have downloaded Ja_Opal, to see if this functionality has been fixed in some of the latest released templates, but no luck, the bug is still there in Ja_Opal also.

    This may indicate that all Joomlart templates have this bug/or lack of support for basic core joomla functionality. If so, then….would it not be a good idea for the developers to give this issue some needed attention?

    I am fully aware that not all templates are designed to highligt the active item, but Ja_Mageia is, and thus it should also work when the clicked/active item is an alias item. In addition, all functional templates that has support for core joomla functionality does expand the target menu item if subitems are there, so this should also work in Joomlart templates. Basic functionality should be there, at least that is what I expect when I join a template club and pay $70 to have a “professional designed” template on my website….

    I don’t demand a perfect template from the get go, I do understand that bugs can occur, and functionality may have been forgotten when template designed, but at least show up in the forumthread and read your customers request for support, and at least say hello and tell us you are working on it…

    HI Guffass
    You’ll learn over time that JA falls back on the community for 99% of their support they don’t have the staff? or outsource bit parts of their work whatever, trying to get more than a 1 sentence response is rare. especially hard to get a response when there is a bug that can be blamed on JA JA do NOT like criticism or being told they have problems.

    Learn to live with it, most here just roll over and say “tickle my belly” “we love you and we’ll wait forever cause your templates are the best” etc etc instead of flooding the forum with requests for help and threats of withdrawing from the forum all together and just coming back when a template is released. thus leaving the forum without the support the community is forced to supply cause JA cannot.

    Heck , had a look at the pathetic excuse for documentation recently? And source files ? one or two major graphics are psd rest don’t exist except as exported jpgs that are not the best quality to work with.

    Time JA concentrated on providing JA Template Club with the stuff it’s paid for at a professional level and forgot about the drive to save its flagging business with the new cash cow Magento

    Just my opinion and I really don’t care if anyone agrees, disagrees etc This is a major issue topic and something needs to be done about the poor JA support and lack of documentation roping in “new” mods to replace those who have left or very inactive (MiCCAS, Menalto) with fresh meat to cover their butt isn’t the answer, these guys will try hard, burn out and we still get very little, this is an ongoing thing seen it happen over three years

    instantinlaw Friend

    ShannonN;122753 “tickle my belly”

    LOL :laugh:
    Yeah, we had some really good staff here a few month’s back (after the complaints got so bad Hung couldn’t take it any more). I’m going to have to agree with ShannoN’s assessment about Magento being the main focus of JA now. In fact, to me it feels like JA is abandoning the Joomla templates. They all seem to be looking carbon copy (with just some color changes and minor position shuffling). It’s a shame too because this used to be a really top notch template club.:((

    guffas Friend

    Both of you, thanks a lot for your post. Guess I should not get overly optimistic about getting any help at all to fix this bug.

    Looking at this sites statistics at one can see that an average of 500 TC new 1 year members are joining each month (1500 new members last 90 days), and an average of 100 new developer members a month (350 last 90 days), plus a smaller number of other customers.

    500 x $70 a pop each month = $35,000.00
    100 x $499 a pop each month = $50,000.00

    This site is probably raking in somewhere between $90,000.00 and $100,000.00 a month. One would think they could afford to hire a skilled coder to give support here in forum.

    Well well, I don’t know what to do, I would really like to have this bug fixed. Is there some other forum where it is possible to get help? What if I ask in forum…anyone think I could get help there….or will they simply refuse to help and tell me to go back to JoomlArt for support? And what if I discuss JoomlArt code in other forums, will I risk getting kicked out of here?

    What can I do?

    ShannonN Friend

    guffas;122764Both of you, thanks a lot for your post. Guess I should not get overly optimistic about getting any help at all to fix this bug.

    Looking at this sites statistics at one can see that an average of 500 TC new 1 year members are joining each month (1500 new members last 90 days), and an average of 100 new developer members a month (350 last 90 days), plus a smaller number of other customers.

    500 x $70 a pop each month = $35,000.00
    100 x $499 a pop each month = $50,000.00

    This site is probably raking in somewhere between $90,000.00 and $100,000.00 a month. One would think they could afford to hire a skilled coder to give support here in forum.

    Well well, I don’t know what to do, I would really like to have this bug fixed. Is there some other forum where it is possible to get help? What if I ask in forum…anyone think I could get help there….or will they simply refuse to help and tell me to go back to JoomlArt for support? And what if I discuss JoomlArt code in other forums, will I risk getting kicked out of here?

    What can I do?

    Send a premium support email to JA if they don’t respond send another etc till they acknowledge they have a problem. Do not know what the response would be from joomla org try and see. I cannot see JA spewing about getting some help if they refuse to do anything about it after being notified and asked to fix.

    Maybe someone over at Joomla org will show JA how to fix it 🙂

    guffas Friend

    When I created this thread, the message editor has a radio button checkbox with the following text: Require Help From Staff + Mod/Admin: I clicked YES, and in the right side of those buttons a text box appeared where they asked for detailes about my site adress, admin login, ftp details, but since I develop my site on local computer I told them I had no such information to give them. Still, clicking the YES radio button, wouldn’t that send them a message about this thread, and count as a request for support?

    ShannonN Friend

    guffas;122789When I created this thread, the message editor has a radio button checkbox with the following text: Require Help From Staff + Mod/Admin: I clicked YES, and in the right side of those buttons a text box appeared where they asked for detailes about my site adress, admin login, ftp details, but since I develop my site on local computer I told them I had no such information to give them. Still, clicking the YES radio button, wouldn’t that send them a message about this thread, and count as a request for support?

    Yes it should and you should have got an email reply saying the ticket was received and if you go to the supplied link you can view the status, go to the link see if there is a replay if not ask again make priority urgent or critical emergency etc 🙂 and update

    guffas Friend

    Thanks ShannonN

    I did not receive any email reply saying anyting about a ticket. I have now updated the first post flagging the topic as “Problem” (a little detail I missed when posting the first time) and added even more info in the infobox to the supportcrew. Still did not receive any email this time either about a ticket, so I have no ticket link to view. Well…back to waiting for respons.

    It’s a bit odd I do not receive those ticket emails. I do receive email notification when you respond to this thread, so from that I know that email is working. Maybe they have a bug in their ticket system, at least they can say so 🙂

    Actually, I did not receive any email from this site when I signed up, the only email I received was the receipe from PayPal after paying the $70, so this puzzles me a bit…..looks like “something” is wrong here at the website.

    ShannonN Friend

    guffas;122806Thanks ShannonN

    I did not receive any email reply saying anyting about a ticket. I have now updated the first post flagging the topic as “Problem” (a little detail I missed when posting the first time) and added even more info in the infobox to the supportcrew. Still did not receive any email this time either about a ticket, so I have no ticket link to view. Well…back to waiting for respons.

    It’s a bit odd I do not receive those ticket emails. I do receive email notification when you respond to this thread, so from that I know that email is working. Maybe they have a bug in their ticket system, at least they can say so 🙂

    Actually, I did not receive any email from this site when I signed up, the only email I received was the receipe from PayPal after paying the $70, so this puzzles me a bit…..looks like “something” is wrong here at the website.

    Maybe check your email clients spam filter or Junk email box all tickets etc may be going there?

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 22 total)

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