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  • Ing. Ervin Zatko EASY Friend


    I want translate the arrow hover text of the Upcoming Event in the fornt page. I try text in en-GB.mod_jacontentslider.ini but it dont help.
    Where I can find these text???


    Saguaros Moderator

    Hi Ervin,

    Please explain your question a little bit more, you want to translate text or change arrow (back and next) in this module? If it’s Upcoming Event text, you can simply go to backend of this JA Content Slider module and change its title.

    Ing. Ervin Zatko EASY Friend

    I need translate Previous and Next texts (title of arrow pictures)

    And when I translate the language file of modul its nto help.

    1. arrow
    Saguaros Moderator

    You can translate these texts in language file of this JA Content Slider module. You just need to open file: /language/xx-XX/xx-XX.mod_jacontentslider.ini and look for these fields:


    For example, if English is default language, you open file: /language/en-GB/en-GB.mod_jacontentslider.ini

    Hope this helps.

    Ing. Ervin Zatko EASY Friend

    How I can wrote it dont help. See test.easypc.sk.
    On botton (FOTOK) was translated, but the upcoming event (EZT LATNI KELL) no…Why???

    Saguaros Moderator

    This is weird, it should affect both. Did you try to disable cache in Advanced options in these modules?

    If problem still persists, you can PM me admin and ftp account of your site, I will check it for you.

    Ing. Ervin Zatko EASY Friend

    Yes, chache is disabled…These base solution I try, but I dont know whot is the problem…

    Ing. Ervin Zatko EASY Friend

    Help only when I translate in php file in template. I dont now why dont work with language file correctly…

    Saguaros Moderator

    It seems that there are other text fields in your site has the same name with next – previous, I just changed the text and it works now. This documentation will help you to know more about translating text: http://docs.joomla.org/Embedding_translatable_strings_in_the_template

    Ing. Ervin Zatko EASY Friend

    Thank you for your help.

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This topic contains 10 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Ing. Ervin Zatko EASY 10 years, 11 months ago.

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