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  • Richard A Friend

    I installed the original Uber quickstart and (by preference) designed the site without installing any of the sample data template options (they are still there in the admin panel).

    I updated (individually, not quickstart) to all the new versions of component/module/plugins in Uber with the release of Uber 2.1 and everything is fine (I am using Joomla 3.4.1).

    The final update was for the Uber 2.1 template and although I received an error message (see image) the version for Uber default and my own assigned template now show 2.1. The new Medicare and Bookstore sample data templates also appear in the list of possible sample installations (I do not intend to install any sample templates as it will override my data and the site goes live on Wednesday once the home page is finished).

    I just wanted to check if the Uber 2.1 template had updated correctly and if I can ignore the error message.

    I also wanted to know if all the new Uber 2.1 content blocks/sample sites etc in (as shown in the preview forum thread – for example, sample content for Medicare) are available/updated correctly or if not where can I access the code?

    1. uberupdatecopyfail
    Adam M Moderator

    Hi @dealthenuts,

    Actually, you can always download latest installation package here then upload it via FTP if there’s any problem during normal update process.

    Richard A Friend

    Hi Adam,

    I always install from that area (as per your link) to make sure I use the correct/latest versions for the template package and download each item I require before installing via Joomla Extension Manager (I do not use the Joomlart Extension Manager).

    I rarely have any problems and in this case each item (component/module/plugin) installed correctly except for the last one, the ACM version 2.1 template.

    It seems to be a file copy fail (see image in last post) and has definitely not installed (although the version numbers did change) as the (for example) bookstore and medicare styles do not appear in the Uber default style dropdown in the template manager section.

    I did try to install again but received the same error earlier today, could you take a look? I would like to use the majority of the Medicare layout style but must convert manually to avoid removing everything I have done on the standard Uber installation.

    I assume I can access the Medicare sample code somewhere as it is not in the documentation yet (Update – ignore this last sentence as I found the new documentation on your site).

    megadigital Friend

    Hi, I have the following error when installing Quickstar

    JFTP :: login: Unable to login
    JFTP : mkdir : Bad response.
    JFTP : : chmod : Bad response.
    JFTP : mkdir : Bad response.
    JFTP : : chmod : Bad response.
    JFTP : mkdir : Bad response.
    JFTP : : chmod : Bad response.

    when trying to install a sample package get the error :

    JFTP :: login: Unable to login
    JFTP : : write : Unable to use passive mode .
    Archive does not exist
    Unable to find install package

    I’m trying to install Uber 2 on a macintosh

    • Apache / 2.4.10 (Unix ) OpenSSL / 1.0.1j PHP / 5.6.3 mod_perl / 2.0.8 -dev Perl / v5.16.3
    • Client Version Database : libmysql – mysqlnd 5.0.11 -dev – 20,120,503 – $ Id : $ f373ea5dd5538761406a8022a4b8a374418b240e
    • PHP extension: mysqli 

    I also fault on PC but not windows 7 software Uber never installed so leave

    How do I use Uber correctly?

    Richard A Friend

    @megadigital, Suggest open a new thread…………….:)

    Adam M Moderator

    Hi @dealthenuts,

    Actually after updated the template, you won’t see any new template styles as they must be created manually. Only new template layout is updated and you can check it via Extensions >>> Template Manager >>> your template >>> tab Layout

    Hi @megadigital,

    As your problem is related to another matter, please kindly submit a new thread instead.

    Richard A Friend

    I did not describe it properly Adam (used the word Style instead of Layout), sorry, i was trying to explain exactly what you describe in your post.

    There are no Bookstore or Medicare layouts in the Uber default template or my own assigned template, Uber 2.1 has not updated properly and there is still a message in my admin area suggesting I should update.

    There is a failure of a file to copy (as image in my initial post), see what i mean here… http://www.screencast.com/t/wlfum1Er

    I checked on my test installation and everything worked correctly but not on the live site, please let me know what is wrong and how it can be corrected.

    Adam M Moderator

    Hi @dealthenuts,

    Please provide a temporary FTP account via private reply so I can investigate the problem for you.

    Richard A Friend

    PM sent, thank you for help

    Adam M Moderator

    Hi @dealthenuts,

    Thanks for the info, I checked your template folder and see many different parts / missing files there. In this case, the best way is to rename your current folder root/templates/uber, download latest installation package as mentioned in #2, upload it to your site then migrate your change from old template to the new one if necessary.

    Richard A Friend

    Ok, thank you Adam for looking at the problem and the advice, I will do that tonight.

    Richard A Friend

    Update: Just to confirm I uploaded Uber template v 2.1, compared it to the version I had before and updated 2.1 with any relevant custom changes. It looks good, working fine and has also corrected a few css/layout issues I had.

    The admin message telling me to update is still appearing but I assume it may be a cache issue and will go away within the next 24 hours.

    Thank you again for your help.

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