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  • hjalte1983 Friend

    Hi i also have this issue when trying to update my template.
    I did as following:

    <em>@pankajsharma 448676 wrote:</em><blockquote>Hi
    When you update your template make sure it will override the files and all custom changes are lost .
    So always take a full backup of your site .
    This error comes when there are conflict in the old files and new files .
    Do this
    1. Take backup of site
    2. Update T3 Plugin To latest version
    3.Go to Template manager and compile Less to Css
    4. Now update your template from JA Extension manager ‘

    Note : Less to css will override all changes in the css files . So take a backup of your all files</blockquote>

    But still the same issue?

    T3 and all other extensions are updated.

    Can you please help me out.

    jooservices Friend

    Hi there
    Please provide reproduce steps. I have just checked your site and it’s displayed as well.

    Thank you,
    Viet Vu

    hjalte1983 Friend

    What do you mean ?
    i have taken a full backup.
    installed latest T3
    compile Less to Css in default style and home style
    but still cant update the template via extention manager?

    jooservices Friend

    Hi there,
    # Please clearly your issue. Because i have checked but can’t find out your issue on site.

    Thank you,
    Viet Vu

    hjalte1983 Friend

    When trying to update the template

    I get this error

    I searched the forum and found http://www.joomlart.com/forums/topic/500-internal-server-error-when-i-try-to-update-my-template/#post-551834

    but i still cant update ?

    1. Uo-An-Corp-Administration-JoomlArt-Extensions-Manager
    2. Uo-An-Corp-Administration-JoomlArt-Extensions-Manager-1
    cheapwebz Friend

    Hi i already put a ticket in but the ja dev team cant help me , Basically I got hacked and the site was redirecting to a porn site, i managed to delete the files, I then download the template again and replaced the index.php file this all seemed to work fine, i then spoke to the customer and told him i was goign to update his site as it was old I started updating the site and it crashed now when i go to the site i get 500 – Internal server error. I spoke with the hosting company tech support and they just said

    Technical Support: http://www.acesecurityandservices.com/ upload a config file to turn on errors now shows:

    PHP Fatal error: Call to protected method JApplicationSite::route() from context ” in E:Domainsaacesecurityandservices.comuserhtdocsindex.php on line 46

    something been installed recently you can remove?

    Can you anyone help I didnt take a back up as i tried and it crashed

    Eragon H Friend

    I can see you worked with “Ninja Lead” for this issue and he is the best guy of our team. Hope that he can help you.

    You should give more information about your issue, such as
    1. What did you update right before the error occur?
    2. Which update was crashed
    3. Which version of Joomla before update and which one you tried to update to.
    4. etc.

    The more information you give, the easier for my colleague to help you

    hjalte1983 Friend

    I guess you are talking to cheapwebz.
    But here is my info:

    1. I made a backup with akeeba
    2. I also took a backup of ja_mitius template folder
    3. I updated Joomla from 3.3.1 to 3.3.6
    4. I tried to update Ja_mitius template from 1.0.7 to 1.1.1 in JAEM which gave me the 500 – Internal Server Error
    5. Then i started to update all JA extensions. and T3 Plugin.
    6. Still couldnt update template. so i searched for solution. and i tried (3.Go to Template manager and compile Less to Css)
    7. Still not working

    I Also notice my Dropdown TriggerGlobal = MouseHover no longer Works after updating T3 or JA extensions
    ( I have to click on the menus now )

    I hope this can be useful for you @ninja Lead

    jooservices Friend

    Hi there
    # Please try with Joomla! Installer instead 🙂

    Thank you,
    Viet Vu

    hjalte1983 Friend

    It wont find the update in extension Manager > Update.
    I uploaded ja_mitius.v1.1.1.zip but got an error. see screenshots below.

    I just installed a plugin with no issues, to test if i could even install anything.

    I just placed the backup on a test site and it updated without any issues http://rl-rfk.dk

    So my problem is on the uoancorp.com server?

    1. upload
    2. Error-1-Copy-file-failed
    jooservices Friend

    Hi there,
    Mostly like permission issue. Please try to check with your sysadmin ?
    Or please provide your backend & CPanel access. I’ll try to help you.

    But in basically i still suggest to update via Joomla! Installer. If you can’t please check :
    – File size upload allowed ( php.ini )
    – File / folder permission

    Thank you,
    Viet Vu

    hjalte1983 Friend

    I PM you info.

    hjalte1983 Friend

    installed Akeeba Admin Tools . pressed fix permissions, and bam, it worked 😀

    jooservices Friend

    Hi there
    lolz ! i did backup your site last night at end of working hour and prepare for today working.
    So … congratulation 🙂

    Thank you,
    Viet Vu

Viewing 14 posts - 1 through 14 (of 14 total)

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