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  • railer Friend

    Hi JA,

    Having a serious problem with my client’s site built on a Quickstart demo version of the JA Teline V template.
    The site is currently running on Joomla 3.6.5, with PHP 5.6.3. (It’s on GoDaddy shared so PHP 7 is not currently an option, as they are "still doing exhaustive tests" on PHP 7.)

    I’ve tried upgrading to 3.7.3 and after the upgrade (also checked the database for any structure errors which are ok). I’ve discovered that multiple items in at least two menus are suddenly changed to "Trashed" status (-2) during the upgrade. In some cases, the menu item cannot be changed to "Published" via the admin area. Saving just shows the red "Trashed" status again.

    I was able to change -2 to 1 in phpMyAdmin, but I when I noticed that there were quite a few situations where items were trashed, I think it would be better for you to get involved, take a look at our site, and provide a reason why such a crazy thing would be happening and a fix.

    I also tried doing an upload and upgrade to 3.7.0, but same thing happens.

    Hoping you can help find a solution asap.


    Pankaj Sharma Moderator

    publish /unpublish/trash the memu item has been done by Joomla.
    It seems the Joomla update is not done well on your site. I suggest you to restore the site back and test the Joomla update on a test domain or localhost first.
    I saw some of users get same issue on Joomla update and they updated Joomla again that fixed this joomla issue.
    Always take backup of site before update Joomla, so if anything goes wrong you have backup to restore the site


    railer Friend

    Thanks for your reply Pankaj. I have done this several times to 3.7.3 and then also to 3.7.0. The problem occurs with each attempt. I do have a backup and have restored to it after each failed attempt. I haven’t run into this problem with other site upgrades to 3.7.3. Just this one, running on JA Teline V. I submitted my admin url and login credentials to the staff with my original post. Is no JoomlArt tech able to take a look? This is a big problem! There’s no telling how many menu items and other things might have been trashed. I’ve worked on Joomla sites since the port from Mambo in 2005 and before that on Mambo sites, and I’ve never seen anything like this, where menu items are mysteriously trashed. Why is this happening?
    ————— UPDATE:
    It looks like this is a menu issue. I did a test where I searched for menu items which are trashed. I deleted the trashed menu items. Even though a menu item defined as the default Home page was NOT in the trashed list which I deleted, it disappeared from the Top Navigation menu after I deleted the trashed menu items. (Maybe its status changed to "Trashed". I didn’t check that.) Note that the Home menu item did not have a Parent menu item. It was a top-level menu item.

    Since this was built on the JA Teline V quickstart package, perhaps you might know of a relationship between the Top Navigation menu items and other menus? This problem is also happening with menu items from the menu in the black footer at the bottom. Could it be a mega menu issue?

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 2 months ago by  railer.
    Pankaj Sharma Moderator

    Delete, publish or unpublish a Memu doesn’t related to template settings.
    Its core Joomla Menu items.
    As i suggested there can be issue in your Joomla update.
    Can you provide me a temp super user login of site also let me know which Menu you wamt to trash or unpublish.
    I will have a look on it.


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This topic contains 3 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Pankaj Sharma 7 years, 2 months ago.

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