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  • entreprenerd Friend


    I have had my site running on Teline for over a year now. When we first setup the site, we decided to use Joomla 1.0.x. We’d now like to upgrade and export our content to Teline for Joomla 1.5.x.

    How will we migrate our content from the 1.0.x version to the Joomla 1.5.x version? Any info or feedback will be welcomed.

    Thanks in advance

    nguyenhuu quang Friend

    hi, send your live site, I can check it for you.

    entreprenerd Friend
    Phill Moderator

    It doesn’t look as if you have done too many changes to the template etc so it should be quite easy.

    Here is how I would do it.

    Joomlapack the site and download it to my desktop. ( http://www.joomlapack.net/ )

    Install it to a wamp setup on my desktop. ( http://www.wampserver.com/en/ )

    Install the teline II quickstart for 1.5 on my desktop using the above.

    Check all the components, modules and plugins you may have on the old setup and instal the new versions for 1.5 onto the new setup

    Use the MTW migrator component to move all the data from the old site to the new site ( http://extensions.joomla.org/extensions/3895/details )

    Do extensive testing and iron out any bugs.

    Use joomlapack to upload your new site to your webspace.

    entreprenerd Friend


    Thanks for your reply.

    I’m running a LAMP webserver on my PC.

    I would like to upgrade from Teline I for Joomal 1.0.x to Teline I for Joomla 1.5x. Will the procedure be the same? I do not want to upgrade to Teline II.

    Thanks in advance

    Phill Moderator

    Yep, the above whould work for most templates. Glad you already know how to run a server on your desktop. It makes life so much easier.

    With MTW migrator make sure you go through its configuration before you start as by default many items are not copied over. It is still better than the standard joomla migration tool.

    entreprenerd Friend

    Thanks Phill,

    Yes, been dabbling with the web scene since 1999… in fact, worked for a few “.bombs” in the UK from 1999 to 2002…

    Thanks again. I’ll give it a bash

    nguyenhuu quang Friend

    1. creat new folder on your host
    example: http://www.phish.co.za/new and install ja_telineII 1.5.x but dont use install sample database.
    2. download and install this component http://extensions.joomla.org/extensions/3895/details
    config this component: with information of joomla 1.0.x http://www.phish.co.za/
    3, click start migrate.
    4. copy images and check all extensions again.

    ragnarli Friend

    I’ve been struggling with upgrading from Joomla 1.0 to 1.5 for a while without great success. This might be because my Teline II template might be a bit changed, or because I have done it the wrong way.

    Here is the original 1.0 site: http://www.europaveien.no/
    And the new, imperfect 1.5 one: http://www.europaveien.no/ny/

    I have had to customly install the logo, favicon, some modules (e.g. at the right here: http://www.europaveien.no/ny/index.php?option=com_content&view=category&layout=blog&id=53&Itemid=192)

    Among things that does’nt play right are:
    – the video function
    – the small search window
    – links in the title of each article
    – the sizing of pictures (they display inaccurately)
    – the breadcrumb (is that what it is called?) that showes the thread: e.g.:Hjem arrow Norge og EU arrow Justissamarbeid og Schengen arrow Schengen
    – and lots more

    Is it possible to say if I am on the right track already or if it is a better and easier way of getting it (almost) right at once by doing it all over?

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