test melih
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  • Ninja Lead Moderator

    We have customized featured article layout of com_content if you would like to show images on the front-end same as added in the back-end, you should try the following :

    Open templates/ja_community_plus/html/com_content/featured/default_item.php file


    //get images
    $regex = '#<img[^>]*>#';
    $image = '';
    if (preg_match ($regex,$this->item->introtext, $matches)) {
    $image = $matches[0];
    $this->item->introtext = str_replace ($image, '', $this->item->introtext);

    Change to

    //get images
    $regex = '#<img[^>]*>#';
    $image = '';
    if (preg_match ($regex,$this->item->introtext, $matches)) {
    $image = $matches[0];
    $this->item->introtext = str_replace ($image, '', $this->item->introtext);

    Don’t forget to clear cache from Admin area after making any changes

    imnlimited Friend

    In which file do I change the current widths (sizes) of the columns in the JA Community Plus template

    <div id="ja-mainbody" style="width:48%">
    <!-- CONTENT -->
    <div id="ja-main" style="width:100%">
    <div class="inner clearfix">

    <div id="system-message-container">

    I would like to make the left column (Main Container) wider and the (Right Column) narrower.

    I found that in the Admin backend Template Manager, you can of course edit the layouts, however the sizes (numbers) there does not match what I see with Firebug. Instead of the 48% and 52% I just see righ column “26”. Can you explain please?

    Secondly, are there any documentation on the available module style suffixes for JA Community Plus template?

    imnlimited Friend

    What is the advantages of the newer featured layout? What was the reasoning for doing in the new style?

    It does create a lot more ‘white space’ and may not work well when template is changed to be a responsive template. What would you recommend?

    really appreciate the help… cheers

    phong nam Friend

    <blockquote>In which file do I change the current widths (sizes) of the columns in the JA Community Plus template. I would like to make the left column (Main Container) wider and the (Right Column) narrower.</blockquote>

    You are right. You can edit the column width of layout in Joomla backend with Template Manager or on remote server in templatesja_community_plusetclayoutsdefault.xml file, find line:

    <blocks name=”middle” colwidth=”21.5″>

    You just need to reduce the coldwidth of sidebar, the width of mainbody will automatically increase. Remember that on our JAT3v2 template layout, the colwidth is defined already in percent so that you just need to enter the number value into.

    And a sidebar on JA Community plus contains 2 middle blocks so its exact value will be 21.5 x 2 = 43%.

    <blockquote>Secondly, are there any documentation on the available module style suffixes for JA Community Plus template?</blockquote>

    We didn’t list the module class suffixes used on the JA Community plus inside the documentation. However, I also list them below so that you can know to use:


    <blockquote>What is the advantages of the newer featured layout? What was the reasoning for doing in the new style? It does create a lot more ‘white space’ and may not work well when template is changed to be a responsive template. What would you recommend?</blockquote>

    The main reason that you need to define the intro image and intro text with the title in the different classes in order to make the intro image stay on the left of featured layout, this looks closer to our template design concept.

Viewing 4 posts - 16 through 19 (of 19 total)

This topic contains 19 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  phong nam 11 years, 2 months ago.

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