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  • zoom4267 Friend

    i changed the colors of the notitle and the module and re uploaded the slices.

    but the left side isnot correct. i thought mabey the slice guide had moved so i started with the original but that didnt change it

    are the notitle and moduel body side the same slice? box-bl?

    any ideas as to why its not right ? i cant seem to fix it.



    zoom4267 Friend

    sorry , i hope im not being a thorn in your side, my client is pushing me on this

    i reslised using the given psd and i dont know why its off i havent changes and of the module css execpt for text.

    there is also that line right below the module that may be throwing things off

    isearched and went throgh every page on this and didnt find anything that resembled what i am having problems with

    thanks alot

    Menalto Friend

    Check the box-br.gif image, thats the one that causes the underline

    zoom4267 Friend

    what is it doing that its messing up the module bottom? all i did was change the color and reslice

    Menalto Friend

    Check it here: http://www.skytopdesigns.com/j_hare/templates/ja_fagus/images/box-br.gif and you can cleary see the border at bottom there

    zoom4267 Friend

    i saw that but the images i have that i uploaded dont have that line.

    the psd for this are confusing. –not really the psd but the slices it names.

    the names dont match whats on the template. if i look at it using Firefox there is the box-br and box-bl but the slices dont name it that. so i renamed them

    i just downloaded the image from the site and cut off the line. and it worked.

    i dont know where it came from.


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This topic contains 6 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  zoom4267 17 years ago.

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