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  • methawee Friend

    Sir Leo,

    Thank you Very Very Much to help and give me Knowledge. I’m sorry to asking you more How do I set up side Bar Menu please see the attach file.

    With Regards,

    1. Side-Bar-Menu
    pavit Moderator


    Goto Template Manager — Navigation — Megamenu Configuration , from there you can set the submenu

    Try to check HERE for references


    methawee Friend

    I am new with this t 3 do you have easy way to do please help I really need to get that side bar menu to show(Expand sub menu and sumenu)) that way.

    Thank you in advance.

    pavit Moderator


    You can send me a Private Message with your back end credentials ( username and password ) and a brief decription of the new submenu characteristics, i can do it for you

    methawee Friend

    Thank you very much to reply back to me. I have plane to finish on this weekend but Unfortunately I am sorry I am working on localhost.Could you please please do step by step as the picture attached menu Mero Demo then I can follow you by code or screenshort that you will build it..
    Thank you again and Appreciate your,

    1. Side-Bar-Menu
    pavit Moderator


    Here there is a tutorial on megamenu

    methawee Friend

    I follow by this tutorial on mega menu but nothing show up on side Bar Menu at the right side Bar yet? Please help the code and easy way to do please see the picture with attach.

    Thank you very Much.

    1. right-side-Bar-Menu
    pavit Moderator


    I misunderstood your request , sorry for this

    The sidebar menu is a module type menu to have it showed in that way you need to go in Module Manager — New — As type choose Menu and in Basic Options — Select Menu choose the main menu publish it in position-5 and in Menu assignment choose the pages where you want it showed.

    methawee Friend

    Hi Pavit,
    Yes, I follow you by that but the side bar menu it not show by the way I need it please give me more detail please I would like to have it same with the picture I attached.
    Thank you in advance.

    pavit Moderator


    Unfortunately without a website where i can access and make the module configuration i cannot do more than this

    My suggestion is to access the Joomlart Demo website and use the Demo Builder to have a website available to check the original configuration, after you completed the demo builder settings and received the email with all credentials to access the admin page check for the sidebar menu module in position-5 and verify how is configured it in this way you can copy on your website same settings

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