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  • munders Friend


    I have a very urgent problem. I need my new site active ASAP. I need to show it to the client tomorrow morning (in 10 hours from now!)

    I used the usual quickstart upload, for the Sanidine II template.

    The install went very well, through the database set up etc, but when I viewed the homepage the following error shows:

    Parse error: syntax error, unexpected ‘=’, expecting ‘)’ in /home/sites/ on line 31

    I need to go to bed now, ready for my meeting. I hope someone can help – or it’s bad news for me :((



    ShannonN Friend


    I have a very urgent problem. I need my new site active ASAP. I need to show it to the client tomorrow morning (in 10 hours from now!)

    I used the usual quickstart upload, for the Sanidine II template.

    The install went very well, through the database set up etc, but when I viewed the homepage the following error shows:

    Parse error: syntax error, unexpected ‘=’, expecting ‘)’ in /home/sites/ on line 31

    I need to go to bed now, ready for my meeting. I hope someone can help – or it’s bad news for me :((



    Hi Paul
    sounds like a spurious character in the coding of the ja tabs.php if the error msg is to be believed? open the ja_tab.php file from that location in your editor program find line 31 look for the equals sign “=”‘ (without quotes) and replace with what it says it’s expecting, that is . . . the right brace symbol ) save as and run again see if it works now
    Good Luck

    scotty Friend

    class plgContentJA_tabs extends JPlugin
    var $style_default = '';

    function plgContentJA_tabs( &$subject, $params )
    parent::__construct( $subject, $params );

    The red line is what line 31 should be. This could be a configuration conflict (bug) in tabs. Try changing some JATabs settings and try again.

    ShannonN Friend

    class plgContentJA_tabs extends JPlugin
    var $style_default = '';

    function plgContentJA_tabs( &$subject, $params )
    parent::__construct( $subject, $params );

    The red line is what line 31 should be. This could be a configuration conflict (bug) in tabs. Try changing some JATabs settings and try again.

    What he said! He knows way more than me 😀 never thought it’s a conflict, maybe I’m too literal, or believe error messages :p

    scotty Friend

    I could be completely wrong :((. Wouldn’t be the first time.

    scotty Friend

    Why does it give one smiley in the editor and a different one in the post? JA can we get this fixed please! (after you sort out munders :))

    munders Friend

    I added the new line, but now it gives a fatal error:

    Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 8388608 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 2548 bytes) in /home/sites/ on line 306

    Surely it cannot be a memory error as this site has 10gb available.

    This is what line 306 says:

    case ‘jpg’: // jpg
    $src = imagecreatefromjpeg(JPATH_SITE.’/’.$image);

    Does anyone know how to fix this?

    Thank you for your help guys, and Shannon you always seem like the most helpful guy on these forums.Much appreciated.

    scotty Friend

    What new line did you add and where?

    Did you try just changing the config?

    The memory that is being referred to is not the same as the ‘space’ you have on your server.

    munders Friend

    I added the red line you displayed above.

    What is the config and is this related to the fatal error?


    Arvind Chauhan Moderator

    <em>@munders 121965 wrote:</em><blockquote>I added the new line, but now it gives a fatal error:

    Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 8388608 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 2548 bytes) in /home/sites/ on line 306

    Surely it cannot be a memory error as this site has 10gb available.


    Check your site root folder php.ini the memory limit is set to 8 MB, increasing that to around 30 MB will resolve the memoery size allocation error. In case you dont have php.ini in your root folder you will need to create one.

    10 GB you said seems is your hard disk space. The memory allocation for your web account is stated in php.ini.


    munders Friend

    There isn’t a php.ini file in my root folder :((

    How do i create one?


    scotty Friend

    No, no, no…. the error is ‘called’ from line 31 of /plugins/content/ja_tabs.php on line 31

    The red line is what line 31 should be. Is yours different? If so then extract /plugins/content/ja_tabs.php on line 31 from your download zip and paste it over. (do the whole file not just the line)

    The config is how you have JA Tabs configured in the module manager also known as parameters. I suspect that (as line 31 calls parameters) there is a configuration conflict in your settings. In other words you have asked tabs to do something it can’t possibly do.

    Arvind Chauhan Moderator

    2 ways of increasing memory allocation :
    1. Create a text file add this line memory_limit = 32M save rename to php.ini upload it to your joomla root folder.
    2. OPen your .htaccess file and add this line php_value memory_limit 32M

    Changing the limits in php.ini is preferred way.

    If it doesn’t work you can ask you host to change it for you. In some cases server restart may be required to make it effective. Memmoery execution errors are generally observed for photo galleries which need to resize or create thumbnails.

    Arvind Chauhan Moderator

    Scotty i am sorry if my interpretation is wrong. please.



    scotty Friend

    …and you may need to reference the php.ini in your htaccsess file too. In your case add…

    suPHP_ConfigPath /home/YOUR_HOST_USERNAME/public_html/new

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