To resolve this issue, please try the following steps:
In this file: components/com_jajobboard/helper/jafunctions.class.php
Find the code snippet that defines a function get_Itemid
And replace it with the one below:
[PHP]function get_Itemid($find = array()) {
$app = JFactory::getApplication();
$menus = $app->getMenu();
$items = $menus->getMenu();
$lang = JFactory::getLanguage();
foreach ($items as $item) {
if (!is_object($item))
$test = true;
foreach($find as $attr => $value) {
if(!isset($item->query[$attr]) || $item->query[$attr] != $value) {
$test = false;
if($test && ($item->language == ‘*’ || $item->language == $lang->getTag())) {
return $item->id;
return 0;
This update helps to get correct menu item in current active language, so it can help to get correct url.