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  • cokumbo75 Friend

    I’m having trouble to get the ja news flash working and even showing on my site. WHERE IS THE USER GUIDE please ?
    How to make it appear on the front page ?
    Is there any equivalent on the others templates to have a sliding news on yhe front page ?

    Khanh Le Moderator

    You could find the instruction in the user-guide document (or readme thread of this template), at item 8. JA NewsFlash.

    cokumbo75 Friend

    <em>@Khanh Le 30738 wrote:</em><blockquote>You could find the instruction in the user-guide document (or readme thread of this template), at item 8. JA NewsFlash.</blockquote>
    Thx but I’ve tried everything to make the newsflash work but it doesn’t.
    Is there any manner to implement the Teline Ja-news (that I prefere) in Iris Template ? Thanks for your quick support cause my site is out of line currently.

    Khanh Le Moderator

    Can you provide me your live site url? I will take a look on your problem.

    cokumbo75 Friend

    <em>@Khanh Le 30752 wrote:</em><blockquote>Can you provide me your live site url? I will take a look on your problem.</blockquote>
    Ok the link is there but is off line for now cause I’m trying to solve the problem :

    cokumbo75 Friend

    Finally I’d like to put the “top” module in the center where the items of articles appear.
    I’d like to use the Ja-teline news module in my Iris template. I’d like very much this module.
    You’ll be kind to tell me how to do it. I suppose that I have to swap or to change the position of the top module in the css file but I’m afraid to have a mess up.

    Khanh Le Moderator

    To use JA News module from Teline with Iris:

    1. Download and install module JA News.
    2. Add module position name ja-news (Site->Template Manager->Module Positions)
    3. Load module ja-news in Iris template index.php: Search <?php mosMainBody(); ?> and insert following code before:

    <?php if ( mosCountModules("ja-news") ) { ?>
    <div id="ja-newswrap">
    <?php mosLoadModules ( "ja-news", -1 ); ?>
    <?php } ?>

    4. Copy file ja-news.css inside folder css of JA Teline template to folder css of JA Iris
    5. Load ja-news.css in index.php: Insert following code before </head>

    <link href="<?php echo $ja_template_path;?>/css/ja-news.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />

    6. Publish JA News module to position ja-news. Follow the instruction in the Teline user-guide to configuration for JA News module.
    7. Done.

    cokumbo75 Friend

    <em>@Khanh Le 30765 wrote:</em><blockquote>To use JA News module from Teline with Iris:

    1. Download and install module JA News.
    2. Add module position name ja-news (Site->Template Manager->Module Positions)
    3. Load module ja-news in Iris template index.php: Search <?php mosMainBody(); ?> and insert following code before:

    <?php if ( mosCountModules("ja-news") ) { ?>
    <div id="ja-newswrap">
    <?php mosLoadModules ( "ja-news", -1 ); ?>
    <?php } ?>

    4. Copy file ja-news.css inside folder css of JA Teline template to folder css of JA Iris
    5. Load ja-news.css in index.php: Insert following code before </head>

    <link href="<?php echo $ja_template_path;?>/css/ja-news.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />

    6. Publish JA News module to position ja-news. Follow the instruction in the Teline user-guide to configuration for JA News module.
    7. Done.</blockquote>
    You’re great. Everything is ok now. (what I was looking in fact is to have a third column on my left page which was not possbile with Ja Teline but composing the two templates, thanks to you, it is possible). Thanks a lot for your efficient and quick support. I’m new on your portfollio but be sure that I’ll tell how good are your products to my friends.

    cokumbo75 Friend


    Thanks a lot again for your support. I feel that I’m up to get a very professionnal, suitable to my needs, website thanks to you.

    May I ask you another service please !

    As indicated in the thread title, I need to present a tab (a multi Tab ?!) on the right upper corner of my website (under JA-Iris template) as it is in JA-Teline template.

    But for now it is not possible for me to have such a Tab cause it is not implemnted in JA-Iris template.

    Would you please give me the process and the codes to be implemented in my Ja-Iris template as you did for me for Ja-news ?

    My website is : http://www.wadeukeubi.com/


Viewing 9 posts - 1 through 9 (of 9 total)

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