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  • javacup Friend

    In to “user permission” the id 62 admin cannot modify the group super-administrator and cannot be assigned for example import-data
    I wish to put in walk import-data but the permissions are not good and I don’t know or I must activated them

    of advance thank you for your help

    Anonymous Moderator


    I would like to clarify your problem as follows:
    -Regarding setting permission in back-end: setting permission for supplying user is not allowed (e.g, 1 super admin can not set the permission for another super admin), setting the permission is only granted for the lower users.

    – When importing data from xml, only those users who are employers are listed for users’ choice to assign imported jobs. Admin is not employer; therefore, can not assign jobs (because the job implementation in ‘front’ has some information relating to employers. Thus, it is not allowed to assign jobs for admin when importing jobs).

    javacup Friend


    Thank you for your answer, therefore if I wish to import offers of jobs of indeed I must create an employer to use indeed and to assign him the rights to import ?
    Then why the first configuration jaboard has googlebase and yahoo? if I provide the shema to whom he go to be to assign?

    id 62 has all rights and the right to post as to employer and candidate

    I apologize but I don’t understand the principle

    what do I have to make to import feed indeed for example?

    Thank You

    Anonymous Moderator

    Hi javacup

    I would like to answer your questions as follows:

    1. therefore if I wish to import offers of jobs of indeed I must create an employer to use indeed and to assign him the rights to import ?
    => it is right. You have to use an employer for each import.

    2. why the first configuration jaboard has googlebase and yahoo?
    => It is our data sample. You can remove it if you don’t want to use

    3. if I provide the shema to whom he go to be to assign?

    => I don’t fully understand your question. Could you please let me know in detail?

    4. id 62 has all rights and the right to post as to employer and candidate. I apologize but I don’t understand the principle
    => With admin account, in our component, it is simple an user. You have to log in to the frontend and go to our component, update a group for this account as employer or candidate. You could not use this account as to employer and candidate together.

    Anonymous Moderator

    <blockquote>5. what do I have to make to import feed indeed for example?</blockquote>
    => Currently we don’t have an userguider for this import. You can refer our two feeds (Google Base – Jobs and yahoo) in XML Import Data Manager Import which we support for testing.

    Hope it helps.

    javacup Friend


    Thank you for your answer and also for your patience I am sorry I express me badly in English.

    I am going to try to create a employer to understand the principle better

    Thank you & happy new year

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