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  • mrwilson Friend

    Hi there forum,

    I wanted to know how it was possible to create the Student Page with profiles on the University template but FOR the Mero Template?

    Thank you

    phong nam Friend

    Hi mrwilson,

    Yes. You can add Student Page feature to JA Mero template, actually, It will take a lot time to customize styles & test result.
    But I can outline for you important files involved, try to do it yourself:

    1. templatesja_merocsstemplate.css : You need to copy & page css style of Student Page from JA Univerity into here. I mean all related classes, background images, icons…
    2. Read userguide for configurations: http://www.joomlart.com/forums/topic/user-guide-ja-university-template-for-joomla-2-5/ (For Item 7 – Student page ).
    3. Create a image folder in order to store student’s portraits.
    4. And with each student box as a article in Student Hightlight category will have this style:

    <p><img class="img-border" src="images/sampledata/ja_university/sam-18.jpg" border="0" alt="Sample image" title="Sample image" align="left" /></p>
    <div class="student-info">
    <ul class="info">
    <li><strong>+ Dept:</strong> Math</li>
    <li><strong>+ Age: </strong> 24</li>
    <li><strong>+ Sex: </strong> Female</li>
    <ul class="social-links">
    <li class="facebook"><a href="#" title="Facebook">Facebook</a></li>
    <li class="twitter"><a href="#" title="Twitter">Twitter</a></li>
    <li class="email"><a href="#" title="Email">Email</a></li>

    Hope it helps you.



    mrwilson Friend

    Great help thank you so much!

    Do you know it’s possible to remove the white background here?


    The ordering of articles won’t stay the same, the 0 order is the article called “Lanfranco Dettori” but it will keep switching.

    I would like all my “student boxes” like the Lanfranco Dettori display

    phong nam Friend

    HI mrwilson.

    Yes. For this background, go to server & open templatesja_merocsstemplate.css then find lines:

    .items-row {
    background: #fff // Your desired background here
    min-height: 240px;

    In order to make students boxs like Lanfranco Dettori display, in template.css above you need to replace

    .items-row .item {
    padding: 20px;


    .items-row .item {
    padding: 0;

    Your question: The ordering of articles won’t stay the same, the 0 order is the article called “Lanfranco Dettori” but it will keep switching.

    Can you send me PM with your admin ? I’ll try to check out which cause this issue.



Viewing 4 posts - 1 through 4 (of 4 total)

This topic contains 4 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  phong nam 11 years, 10 months ago.

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