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  • asifak Friend

    JA Teline III V2

    Can some body help here….thanks in advance!
    New user is not created either I try to create it from back-end (administrator) or even from front end site (website). No critical message it gives except that it says that it has been saved.

    New entry takes place in the database but it does not appear in the list available in the User Manager. Perhaps that is why it refuses to take a entry of new user, if tried to register agin, which has been entered before as it recognises it and also gives the message ‘username already exists’, however, new user is not shown in the user manager and activiated. Activation email is recieved but it is simple one as giving web link to the web home page only and and does not seem to be usual activation link.

    korb Friend


    Try cloning your website and run it on a different environment. Maybe there are some hosting settings that not allow database changes. Like moving to localhost. Let us know if the issue still occurs.


    asifak Friend

    Thanks for your reply.

    I could not get your comments. Kindly explain it little bit more.

    However, I looked at the following tables (which have user information) in the database using PhpMyadmin from my domain hosting control session and tried out if there was anything appearing wrong; and modified to find out if only user ‘Super Administrator’ available in the User Manager from backend goes away also or if there is any thing wrong in the Index /Prmary key in the tables. However, all seems to be ok.


    From joomla.org website, I found out that first three tables should contain info for all the user registered. Looking at the structure of the tables also proves it. I found out that except the first user which is ‘Super Administrator’ which is created during joomla installation, every new user is only stored in the third table ‘jos_users’, and relevant info is not stored in the first two tables for the new user.
    Then I created the missing entries in the tables and found out that new registered user now appears in the User manager and even I can login from backend !!!

    Should I conclude than that there is something wrong in the scripts which are not creating entries into all the three tables ?? So which Scripts …??

    Khanh Le Moderator

    It’s not the Scripts error. It is the sample database error. Please redownload the quickstart package to get this problem fixed.

    asifak Friend

    You are expert and I respect ( I am not computer science expert) ; but when ever there is problem we cannot install joomla everytime. We are going to launch a professional website, so we need some other fix.
    We still have old tables with prefix ‘aak’, when we simply installed joomla 1.5 first time. Tables created with joomla installed with JA-Teline III V2 have prefix ‘jos’. If we compare two tables then both are same in structure, no difference. Hence, it seems that someting else is wrong…. perhaps some script is not functional due to some reason…
    as I wrote above that we created databse entries for two users manually for the first two tables (see above reply) then we could see the users in the User Manager and we could also login into the back-end.
    If we look at file ‘sample_data.sql’ in the installation directory, it has statements which creates data entries into the table through standard SQL commands for the Super Administartor, which indicates that sql also worked at that time and tables/databse are also ok!!!

    your resposne is appreciated..

    Khanh Le Moderator

    If you don’t want to reinstall the joomla, please submit a ticket with your site information, I will check and fix the problem on your site.

    asifak Friend

    I have sent you all info through ticket report system.

    asifak Friend

    Hi Khanh le,

    any good news !!!

    Khanh Le Moderator

    I’ve just reply the ticket to request the more information. However I still don’t receive your reply.

    I got your site information, however, I need to access your database to make more check. Please send me the database manager information (should be through Ticket or through PM)

    asifak Friend

    I had sent all the info when I clicked on premium support ticket and enterd all the info.

    Now I have sent you all the info through private message once agian.
    Hope to hear good news soon!

    (well! i do not know how to access my tickets…??)
    I intend to buy Job Board also, but first we need to test and make functional basic features.

    Vinh CV Friend

    I intend to buy Job Board also, but first we need to test and make functional basic features.

    Dear asifak

    With JAJobBoard:
    – You can visit the introduction site: http://jobboard.joomlart.com/
    – Check out the demo site: http://demo.jobboard.joomlart.com/ with test account:
    * URL: http://demo.jobboard.joomlart.com/
    * Employer Account: employer/employer
    * Job Seeker Account: jobseeker/jobseeker
    * URL: http://demo.jobboard.joomlart.com/administrator/
    * Login: test/test

    Khanh Le Moderator

    It’s fine, asifak. I got the PM and did fix the problem on your site.

    Anonymous Moderator

    <em>@asifak 210510 wrote:</em><blockquote>I
    (well! i do not know how to access my tickets…??)
    I intend to buy Job Board also, but first we need to test and make functional basic features.</blockquote>


    In order to access to your tickets, please log into http://support.joomlart.com and view your submitted tickets.

    asifak Friend

    THANKS A LOT !!! This is appreciable support. Wonderful.

    what was the issue and What did you do…. please respond … for our learning and future reference

    Did yo try to register it from Frond-end, User registeration is not working from website / front-end …it does login and logout but no registeration…

    Phill Moderator

    Do you have user registration allowed set in the Joomla back end?

    What happens when a new user tries to register?

    This may still be down to the aformentioned sample database errors which I am sure Khan le can fix for you (he has all your details?) if the above does not work.

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