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  • ariane1001 Friend


    Instead of CPANEL, I would like to show only the font size tool in the head of http://www.welzijngo.nl/demo/

    Does anyone have an idea how to do this?


    pavit Moderator


    Please could you be more clear ? you already have only font size tool showed in your cpanel

    You want to remove the cpanel ?

    ariane1001 Friend

    <em>@pavit 359178 wrote:</em><blockquote>Hi

    Please could you be more clear ? you already have only font size tool showed in your cpanel

    You want to remove the cpanel ?</blockquote>

    Hello Pavit,

    I think the CPANEL option is not very clear for visitors, they first have to click on CPANEL before they see the font size option.

    I would like to show only the font size option in the head without first clicking on something, more like this: http://www.cultuurgo.nl/ (see top right corner)
    Is this possible?

    Thanks in advance, Ariane

    pavit Moderator

    Yes of course it will be possible to do but you will need to modify some code too

    I have found this solution maybe can be helpful and will show you what and where modify needs to be done

    In this folder pluginssystemjat3jat3base-themesdefaultblocksusertools you have the cpanel.php file – i have changed it as shown below try if could be a solution starting from line 18

    //get reference of this block and update its no-wrap attribute
    $block = & $this->getBlockXML (T3Common::node_attributes($block, 'name'), T3Common::node_attributes($block, 'parent', 'middle'));
    T3Common::set_node_attributes($block, 'no-wrap', 1);
    T3Common::set_node_attributes($block, 'no-main', 1);
    <?php if (!$this->getParam ('option_layouts') && !$this->getParam ('option_screen') && !$this->getParam ('option_font') && !$this->getParam ('option_themes') && !$this->getParam ('option_direction') && !$this->getParam ('option_menu')) return ; ?>
    <div id="ja-cpanel-wrapper">
    <div id="ja-cpanel">
    <div id="ja-cpanel-main">
    <div class="ja-cpanel-tools clearfix">
    <?php if ($this->getParam ('option_font')) : ?>
    <?php $this->showBlock('usertools/font'); ?>
    <?php endif;?>
    <?php if ($this->getParam ('option_screen')) : ?>
    <?php $this->showBlock('usertools/screen'); ?>
    <?php endif;?>
    <?php if ($this->getParam ('option_profile')) : ?>
    <?php $this->showBlock('usertools/profiles'); ?>
    <?php endif;?>
    <?php if ($this->getParam ('option_layouts')) : ?>
    <?php $this->showBlock('usertools/layouts'); ?>
    <?php endif;?>
    <?php if ($this->getParam ('option_menu')) : ?>
    <?php $this->showBlock('usertools/menu'); ?>
    <?php endif;?>

    <a href="#" id="ja-cpanel-toggle"><span>Font size</span></a>

    <script type="text/javascript">
    var tmpl_name = '<?php echo $this->template ?>';
    window.addEvent('load', function () {
    $('ja-cpanel-toggle').status == 'close';
    $('ja-cpanel-toggle').slider = new Fx.Slide('ja-cpanel-main', {duration: 400});
    $('ja-cpanel').setStyle ('top', 0);
    $('ja-cpanel-toggle').addEvent ('click', function (e) {
    if (this.hasClass ('open')) {
    this.removeClass ('open').addClass ('close');
    } else {
    this.removeClass ('close').addClass ('open');
    new Event(e).stop();

    ariane1001 Friend

    Thanks Pavit, that did the trick!

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