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  • ronnieh Friend

    I recently just migrated my website from 1.0 to 1.5 and used the JA Sanidine “Quick Start” template (btw I love the template). It has been a somewhat lengthy process. The website has over 1000 registered users and is about 6 years old.

    Anyways all was going great!!! I was able to migrate my old Community Builder and Fireboard over which is the bulk of our site.

    Now for the problem.

    after setting everything up, and testing everything I was about to go live. I decided to log on to it with another login to check out the PMS system etc. I couldn’t login with my 2nd account….. I thought maybe I forgot the pw so I logged onto “user manager” in the backend to change the password and it only lists 7 users. The frontend lists all 1000+. I check the database and all of the users exist in the jos_users table. I am guessing that it is only listing 7 because that was how many users existed in the initial setup of the “quick start”.

    It may have something to do with how I integrated my jos_users table. I essentially exported the old table, renaming the new table (for backup) and imported the table into the old database. Essentially giving me an exact copy of my old table.

    Like I said, everything seems to work on the frontend except only 7 users can login.

    Anyone have any ideas what the problem might be and how I might correct it?

    ronnieh Friend

    I found a link and got it fixed.

    In case someone else has the same problem. I didn’t fully migrate all of the databases needed. Some of the core tables needed to be migrated also.

    Here is the link.


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This topic contains 2 replies, has 1 voice, and was last updated by  ronnieh 16 years, 1 month ago.

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