July 28, 2008 at 7:32 pm #131449
Does anyone know how to use the drag & drop module ability from this template in another template. This is really the only reason I want to use this site, and I don’t want to have to pull it all apart and modify it just to use one thing. Since it is not an extension, is it doable? I have read through the code and believe it just requires linking to a jscript, but the specifics would be appreciated – I’ve already half-messed up two sites trying!
Menalto FriendMenalto
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July 28, 2008 at 7:36 pm #262747First off, let me know the steps you have done and in which template you are going to add it? Since this steps require you to do some modifications in many parts of the template you are adding it into also.
July 28, 2008 at 8:09 pm #262748Well, perhaps this may be swearing to you, but i am trying to add it to a Rocket Theme template (Terran Tribute.) I don’t usually use them, but this site was visually what I was after, so I don’t really see the point of reinventing the wheel. The drag and drop on the Joomlart template is by far the best I can find and allows any content to do into the modules, so I want to be able to keep this functionality.
Menalto FriendMenalto
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July 28, 2008 at 9:59 pm #262753Can you send me a copy of the index.php file of the terran tribute, or a copy of the whole template so i can see how it is buildt up?
As to get this function in another template will require quite some editing, even if its in a JA template…July 29, 2008 at 9:13 am #262867Hi Menalto. Thanks.
The template itself can be seen here: http://demo.rockettheme.com/jul08/
Here is the index php:
// no direct access
defined( ‘_JEXEC’ ) or die( ‘Restricted index access’ );
define( ‘YOURBASEPATH’, dirname(__FILE__) );
require( YOURBASEPATH.DS.”rt_styleswitcher.php”);
JHTML::_( ‘behavior.mootools’ );$live_site = $mainframe->getCfg(‘live_site’);
$template_path = $this->baseurl . ‘/templates/’ . $this->template;
$default_color = $this->params->get(“defaultColor”, “blue”);
$menu_colors = $this->params->get(“menuColors”, “blue,green,red,grey,orange,purple,brown”);
$enable_ie6warn = ($this->params->get(“enableIe6warn”, 1) == 0)?”false”:”true”;
$font_family = $this->params->get(“fontFamily”, “default”);
$show_fontbuttons = ($this->params->get(“showFontButtons”, 1) == 0)?”false”:”true”;
$template_width = $this->params->get(“templateWidth”, “962”);
$leftcolumn_width = $this->params->get(“leftcolumnWidth”, “160”);
$rightcolumn_width = $this->params->get(“rightcolumnWidth”, “320”);
$splitmenu_col = $this->params->get(“splitmenuCol”, “rightcol”);
$menu_name = $this->params->get(“menuName”, “mainmenu”);
$menu_type = $this->params->get(“menuType”, “splitmenu”);
$default_font = $this->params->get(“defaultFont”, “default”);
$show_breadcrumbs = ($this->params->get(“showBreadcrumbs”, 0) == 0)?”false”:”true”;
$show_logo = ($this->params->get(“showLogo”, 1) == 0)?”false”:”true”;
$show_date = ($this->params->get(“showDate”, 1) == 0)?”false”:”true”;
$show_copyright = ($this->params->get(“showCopyright”, 1) == 0)?”false”:”true”;// moomenu options
$moo_bgiframe = ($this->params->get(“moo_bgiframe'”,”0″) == 0)?”false”:”true”;
$moo_delay = $this->params->get(“moo_delay”, “500”);
$moo_duration = $this->params->get(“moo_duration”, “600”);
$moo_fps = $this->params->get(“moo_fps”, “200”);
$moo_transition = $this->params->get(“moo_transition”, “Sine.easeOut”);require(YOURBASEPATH . DS . “rt_styleloader.php”);
$mainframe->set(‘mcolors’, explode(‘,’,$menu_colors));
$mainframe->set(‘default_color’, $default_color);?>
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC “-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN” “http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd”>
<html xmlns=”http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml” xml:lang=”<?php echo $this->language; ?>” lang=”<?php echo $this->language; ?>” >
<jdoc:include type=”head” />
require(YOURBASEPATH . DS . “rt_utils.php”);
require(YOURBASEPATH . DS . “rt_head_includes.php”);?>
<body id=”ff-<?php echo $fontfamily; ?>” class=”<?php echo $fontstyle; ?> bc-<?php echo $menu_color; ?> iehandle”>
<div id=”page-bg”>
<!– Begin Wrapper –>
<div class=”wrapper”>
<?php if ($this->countModules(‘banner’)) : ?>
<div id=”top-banner”>
<jdoc:include type=”modules” name=”banner” style=”xhtml” />
<?php endif; ?>
<div class=”shadow-left”>
<div class=”shadow-right”>
<div class=”main-page”>
<div class=”main-page2″>
<div class=”main-page3″>
<div class=”main-page4″>
<!– Begin Header –>
<div id=”header”>
<?php if($show_logo == “true”) : ?>
<a href=”<?php echo $this->baseurl; ?>” class=”nounder”><img src=”<?php echo $template_path; ?>/images/blank.gif” border=”0″ alt=”” id=”logo” /></a>
<?php else: ?>
<div class=”logo-module”>
<jdoc:include type=”modules” name=”icon” style=”xhtml” />
<?php endif; ?>
<?php if ($show_fontbuttons == “true”) : ?>
<div class=”fontbutton-text”>Text Size</div>
<div id=”accessibility”>
<div id=”buttons”>
<a href=”<?php echo $thisurl; ?>fontstyle=f-larger” title=”Increase size” class=”large”><span class=”button”> </span></a>
<a href=”<?php echo $thisurl; ?>fontstyle=f-smaller” title=”Decrease size” class=”small”><span class=”button”> </span></a>
<?php endif; ?>
<?php if ($this->countModules(‘search’)) : ?>
<div id=”searchmod”>
<jdoc:include type=”modules” name=”search” style=”xhtml” />
<?php endif; ?>
<!– End Header –>
<!– Begin Horizontal Menu –>
<div id=”horiz-menu” class=”<?php echo $mtype; ?>”>
<?php if($mtype != “module”) : ?>
<?php echo $topnav; ?>
<?php else: ?>
<jdoc:include type=”modules” name=”toolbar” style=”none” />
<?php endif; ?>
<?php if($mtype == “splitmenu”) : ?>
<div id=”sub-menu”>
<?php echo $subnav; ?>
<?php endif; ?>
<!– End Horizontal Menu –>
<!– Begin Showcase Area –>
<?php if ($this->countModules(‘header’) or $this->countModules(‘header2’)) : ?>
<div id=”showcase”>
<div class=”column-2″>
<div class=”sameheight”>
<?php if($show_date == “true”) : ?>
<div class=”date-block”>
<div class=”date-line”>
$now = &JFactory::getDate();
echo $now->toFormat(‘%A’); ?>
<span class=”date-number”><?php echo $now->toFormat(‘%d’); ?></span>
<?php echo $now->toFormat(‘%B’); ?>
<div class=”clock”>
<object type=”application/x-shockwave-flash” data=”<?php echo $this->baseurl; ?>/templates/<?php echo $this->template?>/flash/clock.swf” width=”85″ height=”85″>
<param name=”movie” value=”<?php echo $this->baseurl; ?>/templates/<?php echo $this->template?>/flash/clock.swf” />
<param name=”wmode” value=”transparent” />
<p><?php echo $now->toFormat(‘%H:%M:%S’); ?></p>
<?php endif; ?>
<div class=”headlines-block”>
<div class=”padding”>
<jdoc:include type=”modules” name=”header2″ style=”xhtml” />
<div class=”column-1″>
<div class=”sameheight”>
<jdoc:include type=”modules” name=”header” style=”xhtml” />
<?php else: ?>
<div class=”showcase-div”></div>
<?php endif; ?>
<!– End Showcase Area –>
<!– Begin Main Content Area –>
<div id=”main-section”>
<div class=”padding”>
<div class=”main-content block”>
<!– Begin Left Column –>
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<div id=”left-column”>
<div class=”padding”>
<div id=”leftmodules” class=”spacer<?php echo $leftmods_width; ?>”>
<?php if ($this->countModules(‘left2’)) : ?>
<div class=”block”>
<jdoc:include type=”modules” name=”left2″ style=”rounded” />
<?php endif; ?>
<?php if ($this->countModules(‘left3’)) : ?>
<div class=”block”>
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<div id=”side-menu”>
<?php echo $sidenav; ?>
<?php endif; ?>
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<?php if ($this->countModules(‘left4’)) : ?>
<div class=”block”>
<jdoc:include type=”modules” name=”left4″ style=”rounded” />
<?php endif; ?>
<?php if ($this->countModules(‘left5’)) : ?>
<div class=”block”>
<jdoc:include type=”modules” name=”left5″ style=”rounded” />
<?php endif; ?>
<?php endif; ?>
<!– End Left Column –>
<!– Begin Right Column –>
<?php if (($sidenav and $splitmenu_col==”rightcol”) or $this->countModules(‘right’) or $this->countModules(‘right2’) or $this->countModules(‘right3’) or $this->countModules(‘right4’) or $this->countModules(‘right5’)) : ?>
<div id=”right-column”>
<div class=”padding”>
<div id=”rightmodules” class=”spacer<?php echo $rightmods_width; ?>”>
<?php if ($this->countModules(‘right2’)) : ?>
<div class=”block”>
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<?php endif; ?>
<?php if ($this->countModules(‘right3’)) : ?>
<div class=”block”>
<jdoc:include type=”modules” name=”right3″ style=”rounded” />
<?php endif; ?>
<?php if($sidenav and $splitmenu_col==”rightcol”) : ?>
<div id=”side-menu”>
<?php echo $sidenav; ?>
<?php endif; ?>
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<?php if ($this->countModules(‘right4’)) : ?>
<div class=”block”>
<jdoc:include type=”modules” name=”right4″ style=”rounded” />
<?php endif; ?>
<?php if ($this->countModules(‘right5’)) : ?>
<div class=”block”>
<jdoc:include type=”modules” name=”right5″ style=”rounded” />
<?php endif; ?>
<?php endif; ?>
<!– End Right Column –>
<!– Begin Center Column –>
<div id=”center-column”>
<div class=”padding”>
<?php if ($show_breadcrumbs == “true”) : ?>
<div id=”pathway”>
<jdoc:include type=”module” name=”breadcrumbs” style=”none” />
<?php endif; ?>
<?php if ($this->countModules(‘newsflash’)) : ?>
<div id=”rokmininews”>
<jdoc:include type=”modules” name=”newsflash” style=”xhtml” />
<?php endif; ?>
<jdoc:include type=”message” />
<jdoc:include type=”component” />
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<div id=”mainmodules” class=”spacer<?php echo $mainmod_width; ?>”>
<?php if ($this->countModules(‘user1’)) : ?>
<div class=”block”>
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<?php endif; ?>
<?php if ($this->countModules(‘user2’)) : ?>
<div class=”block”>
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<?php endif; ?>
<?php if ($this->countModules(‘user3’)) : ?>
<div class=”block”>
<jdoc:include type=”modules” name=”user3″ style=”rounded” />
<?php endif; ?>
<?php endif; ?>
<div class=”clr”></div>
<!– End Center Column –>
<!– Begin Modules Block 1 –>
<?php if ($this->countModules(‘user4’) or $this->countModules(‘user5’) or $this->countModules(‘user6’)) : ?>
<div class=”main-content block1″>
<div id=”bottommodules1″ class=”spacer<?php echo $bottommods1_width; ?>”>
<?php if ($this->countModules(‘user4’)) : ?>
<div class=”block”>
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<?php endif; ?>
<?php if ($this->countModules(‘user5’)) : ?>
<div class=”block”>
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<?php endif; ?>
<?php if ($this->countModules(‘user6’)) : ?>
<div class=”block”>
<jdoc:include type=”modules” name=”user6″ style=”rounded” />
<?php endif; ?>
<?php endif; ?>
<!– End Modules Block 1 –>
<!– Begin Modules Block 2 –>
<?php if ($this->countModules(‘advert1’) or $this->countModules(‘advert2’) or $this->countModules(‘advert3’)) : ?>
<div class=”main-content block2″>
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<div class=”block-surround2″>
<div class=”block-surround3″>
<div class=”block-surround4″>
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<?php endif; ?>
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<div class=”block”>
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<?php endif; ?>
<?php if ($this->countModules(‘advert3’)) : ?>
<div class=”block”>
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<?php endif; ?>
<?php endif; ?>
<!– End Modules Block 2 –>
<!– End Main Content Area –>
<!– Begin Bottom Menu –>
<?php if ($this->countModules(‘bottom’)) : ?>
<div id=”bottom-menu”>
<jdoc:include type=”modules” name=”bottom” style=”xhtml” />
<?php endif; ?>
<!– End Bottom Menu –>
<!– Begin Bottom Modules –>
<?php if ($this->countModules(‘user7’) or $this->countModules(‘user8’) or $this->countModules(‘user9’)) : ?>
<div id=”bottom”>
<div id=”footermodules” class=”spacer<?php echo $footermods_width; ?>”>
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<div class=”block”>
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<?php if ($this->countModules(‘user8’)) : ?>
<div class=”block”>
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<?php endif; ?>
<?php if ($this->countModules(‘user9’)) : ?>
<div class=”block”>
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<?php endif; ?>
<?php endif; ?>
<!– End Bottom Modules –>
<!– Begin Footer –>
<div id=”footer”>
<div class=”footer-left”>
<div class=”footer-right”>
<?php if ($show_copyright == “true”) : ?>
<a href=”http://www.rockettheme.com/” title=”RocketTheme Joomla Template Club” class=”nounder”><img src=”<?php echo $template_path; ?>/images/blank.gif” alt=”RocketTheme Joomla Templates” id=”rocket” class=”png” /></a>
<div class=”copyright”>© 2008-2012 TerranTribune Inc. All rights reserved.</div>
<?php else: ?>
<div class=”footer-mod”>
<jdoc:include type=”modules” name=”footer” style=”xhtml” />
<?php endif; ?>
<!– End Footer –>
<div class=”debug”>
<jdoc:include type=”modules” name=”debug” style=”raw” />
<!– End Wrapper –>
</html> -
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