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  • omojesu Friend

    I am trying to use the login module that appears on the main menu bar on Ja-community plus template in my Ja-Orisite template. How do I accomplish this please? Many thanks

    khoand Friend

    You install mod_jalogin from my attached flle ( And you enable it, set its position is quickaccess, Module Assignment is On All Pages
    You extract into /templates/ja_orisite/block

    tfosnom Friend

    <em>@khoand 312203 wrote:</em><blockquote>You install mod_jalogin from my attached flle ( And you enable it, set its position is quickaccess, Module Assignment is On All Pages
    You extract into /templates/ja_orisite/block</blockquote>
    I have used this also in orisite, but have not installed the mainnav.php or published to the quickaccess position. rather I have published to the search position successfully, however on page render the login module just opens and displays text_login etc.fields etc.

    I attach a screenshot of the login panel can you advise a fix please? Live site is closed to public access while developing but I can PM details if needed
    Cheers Shane

    omojesu Friend

    I activated and got a JInstall error because of missing ja-login.ini file. However, the installer also shows that module was installed successfully…weird situation.

    When I enabled the module, the following displayed on my menu bar

    When I am logged in

    When I am logged out

    When I am logged out and clicked the login btn

    When I am logged out and clicked the register btn

    1. ja-login
    2. ja-login2
    3. ja-login3
    4. ja-login4
    khoand Friend

    @tfosnom: Could you give me username+password of your backend and ftp? I will check it.
    @omojesu: My mod_jalogin miss en-GB.mod_jalogin.ini. I’m sorry about that.
    You extract my attached file ( into /language/en-GB
    Updated: I re-upload new mod_jalogin in my previous post

    omojesu Friend

    @khoand – This is not 100% working as expected. It still show some language issues for the field labels e.g when you click the Login text, fields name being displayed are MOD_LOGIN_VALUE_USERNAME, MOD_LOGIN_REMEMBER_ME

    Additionally, there appears to be no styling for the module…it has a transparent background making it almost impossible to read the text labels. Something is either missing or not right. I can PM you my site details…still under construction though.


    <em>@khoand 312346 wrote:</em><blockquote>@tfosnom: Could you give me username+password of your backend and ftp? I will check it.
    @omojesu: My mod_jalogin miss en-GB.mod_jalogin.ini. I’m sorry about that.
    You extract my attached file ( into /language/en-GB
    Updated: I re-upload new mod_jalogin in my previous post</blockquote>

    khoand Friend

    <em>@omojesu 312405 wrote:</em><blockquote>@Khoand – This is not 100% working as expected. It still show some language issues for the field labels e.g when you click the Login text, fields name being displayed are MOD_LOGIN_VALUE_USERNAME, MOD_LOGIN_REMEMBER_ME

    Additionally, there appears to be no styling for the module…it has a transparent background making it almost impossible to read the text labels. Something is either missing or not right. I can PM you my site details…still under construction though.

    I reinstall mod_jalogin on your site. But it’s not solved. So I need username+passwrod of your ftp to find down what happened?

    omojesu Friend

    Apologies for the late response. I have PMed the details to you. Thanks for helping out and Happy Easter celebrations to you and yours.

    khoand Friend

    <em>@omojesu 312745 wrote:</em><blockquote>Apologies for the late response. I have PMed the details to you. Thanks for helping out and Happy Easter celebrations to you and yours.</blockquote>
    Your password is not correct.

    omojesu Friend

    Not sure what happened…but I just reset the pwd and retested…please try again. I apologize for the inconvenience.

    khoand Friend

    <em>@omojesu 312824 wrote:</em><blockquote>Not sure what happened…but I just reset the pwd and retested…please try again. I apologize for the inconvenience.</blockquote>
    I fixed it. Because ja_orisite template has mod_jalogin is overwrited by /templates/ja_orisite/html/mod_jalogin (default). So I just delete /templates/ja_orisite/html/mod_jalogin

    omojesu Friend

    Haha…many thanks…You sure ROCK!

    omojesu Friend

    OK, I am still having issues with the login. When a visitor attempts to register/create an account, and submit, the submit button takes the visitor to another registration page with an error “Empty Solution not allowed” It is not submitting user data.

    I have sent the site details to your inbox…thanks

    khoand Friend

    <em>@omojesu 317903 wrote:</em><blockquote>OK, I am still having issues with the login. When a visitor attempts to register/create an account, and submit, the submit button takes the visitor to another registration page with an error “Empty Solution not allowed” It is not submitting user data.

    I have sent the site details to your inbox…thanks</blockquote>
    There is a error of K2 component register. So you contact dev of K2 to fix it. Thank you

    omojesu Friend

    Just out of curiosity, does that mean K2 component has error for other sites using ja_orisite? If I am not mistaken, K2 works with ja_communityplus when I initially used that template before switching to ja_orisite…can you please advise what has changed between then?


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