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  • Bruce Valle Friend

    Hi i want to use the mod_jacontentslider that come with PlayMag with another template and now after to put the mod_jacontentslider folder into templates/mytheme/html i get the message below described:

    Fatal error: Class ‘PlaymagHelper’ not found in /home/xxxx/public_html/2014/templates/yoo_everest/html/mod_jacontentslider/video.php on line 224

    i track the line of code and its related to:

    $videoinfo = PlaymagHelper::loadVideoInfo($contn->text);

    TomC Moderator

    Which template are you trying to integrate the PlayMag content slider files into?

    Bruce Valle Friend

    Yootheme Avenue
    <em>@TomC 446230 wrote:</em><blockquote>Which template are you trying to integrate the PlayMag content slider files into?</blockquote>

    TomC Moderator

    <em>@bruce valle 446232 wrote:</em><blockquote>Yootheme Avenue</blockquote>

    Unfortunately, this is an issue for which you’re going to have to seek assistance from the YooTheme folks – as their code structure is likely different than that of JoomlArt’s – even for extensions – and they would be the best one’s to advise as to any modifications that may need to be made to allow for the integration.

    Bruce Valle Friend

    extension is working fine, this just stop to work when i include this folder mod_jacontentslider into the templates/mytheme/html

    TomC Moderator

    <em>@bruce valle 446246 wrote:</em><blockquote>extension is working fine, this just stop to work when i include this folder mod_jacontentslider into the templates/mytheme/html</blockquote>

    Exactly – which suggests to me that the overall code/call structure may be different within YooTheme’s coding structure – hence my recommendation to seek assistance from the YooTheme folks.

    Bruce Valle Friend

    I found this file into the local folder templateHelper.php maybe the code inside this file could help?
    This file is located into the joomlart template
    class PlaymagHelper {

    public static function loadParamsContents($item, $pdata = ‘attribs’){
    $data = $item->$pdata;
    $data = new JRegistry;

    if($data instanceof JRegistry){
    return array(
    ‘jdepartment_name’ => $data->get(‘jdepartment_name’, ”),
    ‘facebook_link’=>$data->get(‘facebook_link’, ”),
    ‘flickr_link’=>$data->get(‘flickr_link’, ”),
    ‘google_plus_link’=>$data->get(‘google_plus_link’, ”),
    ‘twitter_link’=>$data->get(‘twitter_link’, ”)

    return array(
    ‘jdepartment_name’ => ”,
    ‘facebook_link’=> ”,
    public static function loadJSAjaxPaging(){
    //Load Ajax paginations
    $doc = jFactory::getDocument();
    var T3JSVars = {
    baseUrl: “‘.JUri::base(true).'”,
    tplUrl: “‘.T3_TEMPLATE_URL.'”,
    finishedMsg: “‘.addslashes(JText::_(‘TPL_JSLANG_FINISHEDMSG’)).'”
    public static function parseVideo($text){
    $obj = new stdClass;
    preg_match(‘#<iframe(.*?)></iframe>#is’, $text, $matches);
    $obj->iframe = $matches[0];
    $obj->introtext = preg_replace(‘/<iframe.*?/iframe>/i’,”, $text);
    return $obj;
    // function to parse a video <entry>
    static function parseVideoEntry($entry) {
    $obj= new stdClass;
    // get nodes in media: namespace for media information
    $media = $entry->children(‘http://search.yahoo.com/mrss/’);
    $obj->title = $media->group->title;
    $obj->description = $media->group->description;
    // get <yt:duration> node for video length
    $yt = $media->children(‘http://gdata.youtube.com/schemas/2007’);
    $attrs = $yt->duration->attributes();
    $obj->length = $attrs[‘seconds’];
    // return object to caller
    return $obj;
    static function getYoutubeImage($vid){
    $result = array();
    // set video data feed URL
    $feedURL = ‘http://gdata.youtube.com/feeds/api/videos/’ . $vid;

    // read feed into SimpleXML object
    $entry = simplexml_load_file($feedURL);

    // parse video entry
    $video = PlaymagHelper::parseVideoEntry($entry);

    // display video image, title and duration
    $result[‘vimgsrc’] = ‘http://img.youtube.com/vi/’.$vid.’/0.jpg’;
    $result[‘title’] = $video->title;
    $result[‘time’] = $video->length;

    return $result;
    static function getVimeoImage($vid){
    // set video data feed URL
    $feedURL = ‘http://vimeo.com/api/oembed.json?url=’ . rawurlencode(‘http://vimeo.com/’.$vid);
    $video = file_get_contents($feedURL);
    $video = json_decode($video, TRUE);

    $result = array();
    $result[‘vimgsrc’] = $video[‘thumbnail_url’];
    $result[‘title’] = $video[‘title’];
    $result[‘time’] = $video[‘duration’];
    return $result;
    //Gen images and time from youtube or vimeo video
    public static function loadVideoInfo($text){
    $vid = ”;
    if(preg_match_all(‘@<iframes[^>]*src=[“|’]([^”‘>]+)[^>].*?</iframe>@ms’, $text, $iframesrc) > 0){

    if(strpos($iframesrc[1][0], ‘vimeo.com’) !== false ) {
    $vid = str_replace(
    ), ”, $iframesrc[1][0]);
    //remove any parameter
    $vid = preg_replace(‘@(/|?).*@i’, ”, $vid);
    return PlaymagHelper::getVimeoImage($vid);
    } else {
    $vid = str_replace(
    ), ”, $iframesrc[1][0]);
    //remove any parameter
    $vid = preg_replace(‘@(/|?).*@i’, ”, $vid);
    return PlaymagHelper::getYoutubeImage($vid);
    <em>@TomC 446250 wrote:</em><blockquote>Exactly – which suggests to me that the overall code/call structure may be different within YooTheme’s coding structure – hence my recommendation to seek assistance from the YooTheme folks.</blockquote>

    Bruce Valle Friend

    For others that could need a similar solution, i found the way to implement it into a different template

    Do you need to replace this


    with this


    <em>@bruce valle 446253 wrote:</em><blockquote>I found this file into the local folder templateHelper.php maybe the code inside this file could help?
    This file is located into the joomlart template
    class PlaymagHelper {

    public static function loadParamsContents($item, $pdata = ‘attribs’){
    $data = $item->$pdata;
    $data = new JRegistry;

    if($data instanceof JRegistry){
    return array(
    ‘jdepartment_name’ => $data->get(‘jdepartment_name’, ”),
    ‘facebook_link’=>$data->get(‘facebook_link’, ”),
    ‘flickr_link’=>$data->get(‘flickr_link’, ”),
    ‘google_plus_link’=>$data->get(‘google_plus_link’, ”),
    ‘twitter_link’=>$data->get(‘twitter_link’, ”)

    return array(
    ‘jdepartment_name’ => ”,
    ‘facebook_link’=> ”,
    public static function loadJSAjaxPaging(){
    //Load Ajax paginations
    $doc = jFactory::getDocument();
    var T3JSVars = {
    baseUrl: “‘.JUri::base(true).'”,
    tplUrl: “‘.T3_TEMPLATE_URL.'”,
    finishedMsg: “‘.addslashes(JText::_(‘TPL_JSLANG_FINISHEDMSG’)).'”
    public static function parseVideo($text){
    $obj = new stdClass;
    preg_match(‘#<iframe(.*?)></iframe>#is’, $text, $matches);
    $obj->iframe = $matches[0];
    $obj->introtext = preg_replace(‘/<iframe.*?/iframe>/i’,”, $text);
    return $obj;
    // function to parse a video <entry>
    static function parseVideoEntry($entry) {
    $obj= new stdClass;
    // get nodes in media: namespace for media information
    $media = $entry->children(‘http://search.yahoo.com/mrss/’);
    $obj->title = $media->group->title;
    $obj->description = $media->group->description;
    // get <yt:duration> node for video length
    $yt = $media->children(‘http://gdata.youtube.com/schemas/2007’);
    $attrs = $yt->duration->attributes();
    $obj->length = $attrs[‘seconds’];
    // return object to caller
    return $obj;
    static function getYoutubeImage($vid){
    $result = array();
    // set video data feed URL
    $feedURL = ‘http://gdata.youtube.com/feeds/api/videos/’ . $vid;

    // read feed into SimpleXML object
    $entry = simplexml_load_file($feedURL);

    // parse video entry
    $video = PlaymagHelper::parseVideoEntry($entry);

    // display video image, title and duration
    $result[‘vimgsrc’] = ‘http://img.youtube.com/vi/’.$vid.’/0.jpg’;
    $result[‘title’] = $video->title;
    $result[‘time’] = $video->length;

    return $result;
    static function getVimeoImage($vid){
    // set video data feed URL
    $feedURL = ‘http://vimeo.com/api/oembed.json?url=’ . rawurlencode(‘http://vimeo.com/’.$vid);
    $video = file_get_contents($feedURL);
    $video = json_decode($video, TRUE);

    $result = array();
    $result[‘vimgsrc’] = $video[‘thumbnail_url’];
    $result[‘title’] = $video[‘title’];
    $result[‘time’] = $video[‘duration’];
    return $result;
    //Gen images and time from youtube or vimeo video
    public static function loadVideoInfo($text){
    $vid = ”;
    if(preg_match_all(‘@<iframes[^>]*src=[“|’]([^”‘>]+)[^>].*?</iframe>@ms’, $text, $iframesrc) > 0){

    if(strpos($iframesrc[1][0], ‘vimeo.com’) !== false ) {
    $vid = str_replace(
    ), ”, $iframesrc[1][0]);
    //remove any parameter
    $vid = preg_replace(‘@(/|?).*@i’, ”, $vid);
    return PlaymagHelper::getVimeoImage($vid);
    } else {
    $vid = str_replace(
    ), ”, $iframesrc[1][0]);
    //remove any parameter
    $vid = preg_replace(‘@(/|?).*@i’, ”, $vid);
    return PlaymagHelper::getYoutubeImage($vid);

    TomC Moderator

    So you were able to resolve your issue to your liking ??

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This topic contains 9 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  TomC 10 years, 3 months ago.

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