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  • w00tsite Friend

    Hello everyone!

    I am trying to get Ozio Gallery to work on my Ja_lens but there seems to be a jquery conflict. My goal is to load the Ozio gallery within a K2 article so that when I load the masonary and click on an article, it loads the photogallery within the masonary.

    Uncaught TypeError: Property ‘undefined’ of object #<Object> is not a function

    Location of error: http://www.amandawebsterdesign.com/staging3/index.php/chartrand

    I was getting two script errors but I got rid of one by disabling Lazyload in the plugin list.

    Their suggestion to me was to use Jquery Easy but I don’t know exactly what each of the advanced options means (their basic options doesn’t allow me to access the masonary page along with the photo gallery at the same time).

    Here is a picture of their advanced options:

    I can provide a login if need be!

    Thanks for your help!

    1. advanced_frontend
    phong nam Friend

    Hi w00tsite,

    I already checked your site. There is a js conflict causes “Error: jQuery.easing [jQuery.easing.def] is not a function”, because jQuery javascript doesn’t load before plugin js. I fixed it on your site. Here is my steps:
    On your server, open components/com_oziogallery3/views/00fuerte/js/jquery.easing.min.js, then wrape its code with:

    jQuery(document).ready(function($) {
    // plugin js
    var body = $('body');

    * Can you set home for Main Menu again, I don’t have permission of accessing Chartrandds to change its default language.



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