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  • activha Friend

    Upgrading to 1.0.7 changed the size of intro text which is now way too important and not limited as in previous versions.

    Is there a new setting somewhere ?

    When my intro text is say 100 words, it was limited to 30 characters only in 1.0.6 and with 1.0.7 the whole 100 words are displayed

    Ninja Lead Moderator

    I’m not sure what you are implying. Just for better clarification, please include screenshot and your site URL here for further investigation.

    activha Friend

    Well try to go to http://activ-ha.com/économie to see the problems :

    – first introtext is not limited
    – a post is always loaded at each cron job ( numbers 11, 12, 13, 14 & 15 for these last hours, it will be repeated endly if I dont stop the plugin)

    Ninja Lead Moderator

    Thanks for contacting to us. You can fix it with my suggestion:
    find this script

    public static function extractFirstParagraph($text){
    static $regex = '#<p[^>]*>(.*)</p>#i';
    static $allowtag = '<a><b><strong><br>';

    $result = '';
    if (preg_match_all ($regex, $text, $matches)) {
    $p = array();
    $c = 0;

    foreach ($matches[1] as $match) {
    $t = trim(strip_tags ($match, $allowtag));
    if ($t) $p[] = $t;
    $c += strlen($t);
    if ($c > 50) break;
    $t = implode ('<br/>', $p);

    $result = (strlen($t) > 7) ? $t : trim(strip_tags ($text, $allowtag));
    } else {
    $result = trim(strip_tags ($text, $allowtag));

    return $result;

    change to

    public static function extractFirstParagraph($title, $max=100)
    if(is_array($title)) list($string, $match_to) = $title;
    else { $string = $title; $match_to = $title{0}; }

    $match_start = stristr($string, $match_to);
    $match_compute = strlen($string) - strlen($match_start);

    if (strlen($string) > $max)
    if ($match_compute < ($max - strlen($match_to)))
    $pre_string = substr($string, 0, $max);
    $pos_end = strrpos($pre_string, " ");
    if($pos_end === false) $string = $pre_string."...";
    else $string = substr($pre_string, 0, $pos_end)."...";
    else if ($match_compute > (strlen($string) - ($max - strlen($match_to))))
    $pre_string = substr($string, (strlen($string) - ($max - strlen($match_to))));
    $pos_start = strpos($pre_string, " ");
    $string = "...".substr($pre_string, $pos_start);
    if($pos_start === false) $string = "...".$pre_string;
    else $string = "...".substr($pre_string, $pos_start);
    $pre_string = substr($string, ($match_compute - round(($max / 3))), $max);
    $pos_start = strpos($pre_string, " "); $pos_end = strrpos($pre_string, " ");
    $string = "...".substr($pre_string, $pos_start, $pos_end)."...";
    if($pos_start === false && $pos_end === false) $string = "...".$pre_string."...";
    else $string = "...".substr($pre_string, $pos_start, $pos_end)."...";

    $match_start = stristr($string, $match_to);
    $match_compute = strlen($string) - strlen($match_start);

    return $string;
    return $string ='';

    Let me know if it helps

    activha Friend

    Well this code replaces completely the first one that we use on other areas of the website.

    Is this possible to combine both ? (For now I have deactivated introtext in the category activations)

    And do you have a suggestion for the repeated items retrieved by JA Social plugin on the same page

    Ninja Lead Moderator

    I have checked on new version JA Wall Template, i see it apply this function extractFirstParagraph many time on customize template, see the screenshot

    You can apply this fixes with only home page on your site by:

    1) Download and extract this my attachment file, copy it to this path
    2) <blockquote>Open templates/ja_wall/html/com_content/featured/default_item.php file</blockquote>

    $introtext = WallHelper::extractFirstParagraph($this->item->introtext);
    change to

    $introtext = WallHelper::DropText($this->item->introtext);

    1. Cut_String
    1. template_tools.zip
    activha Friend

    Thanks I’ll do it this way !

    Could you help us solve the second problem i.e. the repeated item always retrieved by JA Social ?
    It always retrieve one item each cron job and I cannot figure why ?
    See http://activ-ha.com/économie

    Ninja Lead Moderator

    About the problem of duplicate item when JA Social Feed get data from social networks you can upgrade the plugin to latest version : http://www.joomlart.com/forums/downloads.php?do=cat&id=20440

    Let me know if it helps

    activha Friend

    No this is already the latest version 1.0.7 this is why I am asking your help on this

    Ninja Lead Moderator

    <em>@activha 354045 wrote:</em><blockquote>No this is already the latest version 1.0.7 this is why I am asking your help on this</blockquote>
    I would need to take a closer look at your site. Please pm me with admin access and ftp account. I shall check it

    activha Friend

    I sent PM yesterday, did you have time to have a look ?

    Ninja Lead Moderator

    <em>@activha 354511 wrote:</em><blockquote>I sent PM yesterday, did you have time to have a look ?</blockquote>
    I have received your pm but I need to check the source code on your site. Please pm me ftp account on your site. I shall check it

    activha Friend

    I cannot PM ftp account as we use AWS with ssh only.

    but on the website you have access to extplorer for the source code.

    Can you help me on this ?

    Duplicates items are really frustrating.

    By the way, I still have problem with the introtext code. Droptext function does not work very well for all introtext and I cannot use one or the other function, we need both on a page.
    Unless we found a way to put some ja social retrieved introtext in full text only ?

    Ninja Lead Moderator

    I have tried to access com_extplorer component on your site but no success, see the screenshot.

    I can not help you more as i do not have access on your site.

    1. Source
    activha Friend

    Well I just tried now with chrome and safari and had no problem with Extplorer to browse files and folder on my macbook air !

    Could you try with another browser maybe ?

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 20 total)

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