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  • Ninja Lead Moderator

    <em>@activha 355551 wrote:</em><blockquote>Well I just tried now with chrome and safari and had no problem with Extplorer to browse files and folder on my macbook air !

    Could you try with another browser maybe ?</blockquote>

    Yeah, i tried to use FireFox access to Extplorer component and fixed the problem on your site

    $introtext = WallHelper::extractFirstParagraph($this->item->introtext);
    change to

    $introtext = WallHelper::DropText(strip_tags($this->item->introtext));

    activha Friend

    Thanks a lot for the help.

    Could you combine the two functions in one extractFirstParagraph and DropText ??

    So that when there is intro text it is correctly extracted for all views ?

    I have for instance pages like this one http://jcmachuron.site113.com using items from all categories and I cannot simply use DropText as it could squeeze some introtext

    Any idea ?

    Ninja Lead Moderator

    <em>@activha 355796 wrote:</em><blockquote>
    Could you combine the two functions in one extractFirstParagraph and DropText ??
    So that when there is intro text it is correctly extracted for all views ?

    Yes, I have used two functions in extractFirstParagraph and DropText, you can see

    + Function DropText: is used on limit data intro text
    + Function extractFirstParagraph: is used show data for all views detail

    You can check about this on here

    And you can apply my fixes to other site

    activha Friend

    Well the point is that the function DropText should be used only if there is no introtext and in case where introtext is retrieved from full text only.

    If not this defeats the purpose of having set beautifully worded introtext 🙂

    So how can we do it ?
    So that DropText is used in category item only when there is no introtext written in K2 and that extractFirstParagraph is used in all other cases ?

    Ninja Lead Moderator

    <em>@activha 355921 wrote:</em><blockquote>Well the point is that the function DropText should be used only if there is no introtext and in case where introtext is retrieved from full text only.

    If not this defeats the purpose of having set beautifully worded introtext 🙂

    So how can we do it ?
    So that DropText is used in category item only when there is no introtext written in K2 and that extractFirstParagraph is used in all other cases ?</blockquote>
    @activha: I tried to helped, explained and fixed the problem on your site. But I’m confused with your wrote above. I only added “function DropText” on


    + Function DropText: is used cut tring(limit length data), with your problem I appeared drop text introtext, you can appear drop text anywhere if you like it

    + Function extractFirstParagraph: is used show full data.

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