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  • NealBaker Friend

    We are having a problem with the vertical lines on modules not showing up in IE7. What’s interesting is that if you scroll up and down on the page, the lines will appear in one place, then disappear in another. This is not related to the modules being longer than the graphic or anything like that. It appears to only happen on IE7 and does not seem to occur on Joomlart’s demo, so I’m assuming it’s something on our site in conjunction with the template. Any ideas or things to try would be greatly appreciated.

    1. moduleproblem
    Anonymous Moderator

    Hi NealBaker,

    I have looked your website and but could not find this issue.

    Did you fix this issue?

    NealBaker Friend

    Yes, Cao replied to me this morning. Thanks for checking in…

    Here is the solution that he provided in case anyone needs this…

    For this case, please open templates/jaolivine/css/template.css file, at about line 2697, find following code:

    div.module div div div, div.module_menu div div div, div.module_text div div div, div.module_hilite div div div, div.module_nopad div div div {
    background:transparent url(../images/box-tl.gif) no-repeat scroll left top;
    padding:0 15px 15px;

    and change to:

    div.module div div div, div.module_menu div div div, div.module_text div div div, div.module_hilite div div div, div.module_nopad div div div {
    background:transparent url(../images/box-tl.gif) no-repeat scroll left top;
    padding:0 15px 15px;
    width: 95%;

    Thanks for the help!

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This topic contains 3 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  NealBaker 15 years, 10 months ago.

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