in different sections/pages i need to use different heights for the masshead. I need the easiest way to do this PER MODULE instance… ie. for example a module class suffix? how can i do that.
at the moment the padding height is controlled by this i think:
.jamasshead {
background-image: url("/templates/ja_social_ii/images/bg-masthead.jpg");
background-size: cover;
color: #FFF;
padding: 120px 0px;
position: relative;
text-align: center;
I need to keep the 120px 0px for most of the module instances, BUT change the padding to 40px 0x for some modules and say 60px 0px for others.
What do i put in custom.css for the two padding sizes and what should i put in each of the module class suffix box.
———or is there another way?