Viewing 6 posts - 1 through 6 (of 6 total)
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  • seandiggins Friend

    Hi all,

    Can someone please confirm that ALL of the various fixes (by nguoiabcd) for Avian II are in the latest download?
    For example, in the latest quickstart the rsslide module was last changed on 9 May….have any fixes for rsslide been posted since 9 May?



    dreamcatcher29 Friend

    i use the template too and that question is also my concern.


    Menalto Friend

    I suppose to know it, but have no clue what they have done or not done with it…………

    Sherlock Friend

    You can see some update herer
    <blockquote>1.wrong order, link of image in RSSlide

    2.wrong order,pagenav in detail page

    3.Fix bug: public user can’t to comment (configed allow public user can comment in admin)

    rsgcomments.class.php(componentscom_rsgallery2li brsgcomments),Go to line 250:

    if (!$my->id) return;

    Change to

    if ((!$my->id)&&(!$rsgConfig->get(“comment_allowed_public”))) return;

    4. bug: When turn on SEO,use Moomenu, submenu will lose background image
    Link bug on forum:http://www.joomlart.com/forums/topic/avian-ii-with-search-engine-friendly-urls/

    Edit index.php(templates/yourtemplate/index.php)
    Change line: window.addEvent (‘domready’, makeTransBG);
    to: var siteurl = ‘<?php echo $tmpTools->baseurl();?>’;
    window.addEvent (‘domready’, makeTransBG);
    5. Bug:lose titles of modules at bottom( user 6->user10)
    Edit ja_scripts.js and template.css
    6.Wrong path navigation when in subgallery
    7.error Markup html in Avian ii </blockquote>

    Sherlock Friend

    You can see some update here
    <blockquote>1.wrong order, link of image in RSSlide

    2.wrong order,pagenav in detail page

    3.Fix bug: public user can’t to comment (configed allow public user can comment in admin)

    rsgcomments.class.php(componentscom_rsgallery2li brsgcomments),Go to line 250:

    if (!$my->id) return;

    Change to

    if ((!$my->id)&&(!$rsgConfig->get(“comment_allowed_public”))) return;

    4. bug: When turn on SEO,use Moomenu, submenu will lose background image
    Link bug on forum:http://www.joomlart.com/forums/topic/avian-ii-with-search-engine-friendly-urls/

    Edit index.php(templates/yourtemplate/index.php)
    Change line: window.addEvent (‘domready’, makeTransBG);
    to: var siteurl = ‘<?php echo $tmpTools->baseurl();?>’;
    window.addEvent (‘domready’, makeTransBG);
    5. Bug:lose titles of modules at bottom( user 6->user10)
    Edit ja_scripts.js and template.css
    6.Wrong path navigation when in subgallery
    7.error Markup html in Avian ii </blockquote>

    have any others, i will check them and post all at other thread

    dreamcatcher29 Friend

    big thanks nguoiabcd!

Viewing 6 posts - 1 through 6 (of 6 total)

This topic contains 6 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  dreamcatcher29 16 years, 6 months ago.

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