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  • satelios Friend

    Hi everybody,
    I think that this website is a Teline II [http://www.dazebao.org]

    as you can see [http://www.dazebao.org/news/index.ph…=8&Itemid=150] or [http://www.dazebao.org/news/index.ph…Itemid=171]the section’s menu (usually a window scrolling down) is become a sub-section menu….horizontal instead of vertical.

    Actually in my beta-test I have for each section a scrolling down window – as into demo Teline II [http://www.joomlart.com/templates_demo.php?template=ja_teline_ii%5D.

    For some reasons I’d like to show the two possibilities to our “little editorial staff” 😉 to choose the right solution.

    I’ll really appreciate if someone can explain me how to switch from both.
    Thank a lot

    we2solutions Friend

    Hi satelios,

    the links that you gave for us is not working.please recheck…


    questbg Friend

    HI Andrea

    Can you check the links? I got a 404 on every page!

    satelios Friend

    ops sorry! in all cases it takes “]” into the link…this reasons for doesn’t work…sorry I re-paste here all thread 😉

    Hi everybody,
    I think that this website is a Teline II [http://www.dazebao.org]

    as you can see [http://www.dazebao.org/news/index.php?option=com_content&view=section&layout=blog&id=12&Itemid=166] or [http://www.dazebao.org/news/index.php?option=com_content&view=section&layout=blog&id=13&Itemid=197]the section’s menu (usually a window scrolling down) is become a sub-section menu….horizontal instead of vertical.

    Actually in my beta-test I have for each section a scrolling down window – as into demo Teline II [http://www.joomlart.com/templates_demo.php?template=ja_teline_ii].

    For some reasons I’d like to show the two possibilities to our “little editorial staff” 😉 to choose the right solution.

    I’ll really appreciate if someone can explain me how to switch from both.
    Thank a lot

    we2solutions Friend


    at this moment i didn’t install the ja teline 2 but as my understanding about your problem try this,log on to side administrator panel then,

    Extensions—-Template Manager—–choose the teline2—Parameters panel choose the Menu Module—change it to css type


    satelios Friend

    thank very much….I was not able to find the menu to change as I like…
    the module menu is not CSS
    but split menu 😉
    thank again

Viewing 6 posts - 1 through 6 (of 6 total)

This topic contains 6 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  satelios 15 years, 9 months ago.

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