test melih
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  • linda300 Friend


    Witch or what plugin/module/component do i need to play youtube video’s in my topmenu?
    I assume that i have to install a plugin, but witch one do i need?
    i can’t find a good one. (joomla1.6)
    I saw the tutorialvideo but it won”t work for me.Can somebody help me?



    Saguaros Moderator

    Hello mate!

    1) As demo, we use the custom module and then copy the video code from youtobe or vimeo and put them into the module content
    2) Create a menu item load this module into the menu content

    linda300 Friend


    Whatever i tried, it won’t work! I copied the code from a youtube movie, paste it into the module editor, give the module a unique name,make a new menuitem and load the module position.
    refresh the page and nothing will appear.

    What do i wrong?

    Saguaros Moderator

    May be the editor removed the code, Check HTML Code view to see if the code you inserted is intact. for inserting codes one should use HTML editor view to update the content. Let me know if this helps.

    Check this image : The method may be different for different editors :

    linda300 Friend

    hello tienhc,

    The pasted code dissapear when i pushed the save button!
    I use TinyMCE en i tried several editor options, including code cleanup > off and code cleanup by saving > never.
    At the bottom by the basic options, by forbidden elements, i removed script, iframe, etc but by saving this parameter these options appear again. Apparently, i have fill in something so i filled the word nothing.
    I hope this is ok.

    But even with all this options, the code in the editor goes away.

    I hope that you have enough information.

    Saguaros Moderator

    Ok, now plz provide me your administrator account and the link to your site via Ticket: CXV-182-18826
    Then Let me check

    linda300 Friend

    I saw in my first post a support ticket number. i cant open it, because i need a password? Is the answer to my question in here?


    linda300 Friend

    Ok, problem solved!!

    I found the solution!!. Turn off all levels of filtering for your access level, in the Articles manager.

    I dont know of this is recommended, but it works!!:)

    Here’s the link:

    microvation Friend

    Thanks, good info! This worked. Also though I found that I can check “Use old embed code” on youtube and then I get code that uses an object tage instead of an iframe and it works fine and I don’t have to give up my TinyMCE.

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This topic contains 9 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  microvation 13 years, 5 months ago.

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