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  • okkhalid Friend

    Hello, when employer like to view resumes, usually will have a list of the available resumes, is there is anyway to remove the photo sections from the view resumes, I have disabled the photo upload for the jobseeker since our policy is no personal photo for the jobseekers. but still shows the picture box in the view resume section, please see attached snapshot from the screen, is there any way to remove the photo from the template. thank you again for your support.

    1. view-resume
    HeR0 Friend

    Hi Okkhalid,

    If Jobboard component is using inline layout, you can edit page resumes list in componentscom_jajobboardviewsjaresumestmplthemesinlinejalist-item.php file.

    In this file, you can see code line display photo as below:

    [PHP]<a href=”<?php echo JRoute::_(‘index.php?option=’. JBCOMNAME .’&view=jaresumes&layout=jaview&cid[]=’.$item->id.’&alias=’.$alias.’&Itemid=’.$Itemid); ?>” class=”<?php echo $class;?>”>
    <img src=”<?php echo JRoute::_($item->image); ?>” alt=”<?php echo $item->title?>” class=”logo” align=”left” width=”<?php echo $logo_width?>” height=”<?php echo $logo_height?>”/>

    Hope this helps.


    okkhalid Friend

    Thank you HeR0
    works well 🙂

Viewing 3 posts - 1 through 3 (of 3 total)

This topic contains 3 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  okkhalid 11 years, 9 months ago.

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