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  • Saguaros Moderator


    Kindly share the credentials of your site so I can take a look.


    positron Friend


    Thank you for the update. Credentials are sent as a reply to your email we have received.


    Saguaros Moderator
    This reply has been marked as private.
    positron Friend
    This reply has been marked as private.
    positron Friend

    Hello Saguaros,

    Any update for the issue?

    Saguaros Moderator


    I updated the settings of the Vikrentcar search module on your site, I see that the difference is from the background image, you can choose one via the JA Extra Fields tab of module.


    positron Friend


    We replaced the images with with ones from original template, There is no difference. Now we have no images at Slideshow module but the VikRentCar module appears again down from the slider.What else we can do? Besides at the VikRentCar module’s background now slideshow_title appears.
    Can you please make the slideshow with VikRentCar module as is in your demo site with the same images?

    positron Friend

    In addition when we change the Module Style from the advanved tab of slideshow module we see that
    in some styles thw VikRentCar module appears exactly where it should be but without slideshow images.
    What are the correct settings?

    positron Friend

    Hello again,

    We think that now we understand what is going on. We did not noticed that the VikRentCar has only one background image. We thought that it was fixed on the slider module and slides according with the slider images. We have unpublish the slider and now website is looking fine.
    Confirm us: The slider is for the websites without VikRentCar module??


    positron Friend


    Can you please tell us the exact settings of VikRentCar module?
    When we have
    Module Class Suffix – t3-section-darker title-lg
    Module Layout – home
    Position – section-1
    we see the module in front page as is in your demo site.
    How we will assign the module at "Search Car" menu ??
    We try to change the module settings to:
    Module Class Suffix – module-darker
    Module Layout – default
    Position – sidebar-1
    and we see the search module at "Search Car" menu (not black) but dissappears from the front page.
    Tell us please what we have to do.

    Saguaros Moderator


    As I can see that the search car module is showing fine on your site now, did you get it solved?

    positron Friend


    Thank you for the reply. Yes , we have solved the issue creating a new module and giving a space at suffix.
    Now is okey.

Viewing 12 posts - 1 through 12 (of 12 total)

This topic contains 12 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  positron 6 years, 6 months ago.

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