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  • nomrower Friend

    hello I’ve read the documentation 100 times I’ve tried all the solutions i found in forum but i still can’t get the vik working with your sample data. i keep getting this error:

    An error has occurred. 1054 Unknown column ‘nominative’ in ‘field list’ SQL=SELECT id,custdata,status,idcar,ritiro,consegna,idplace,idreturnplace,country,nominative FROM pier1_vikrentcar_orders WHERE ritiro>1456178399 ORDER BY pier1_vikrentcar_orders.ritiro ASC LIMIT 6;

    Adam M Moderator

    Hi @nomrower,

    May I know did you get this error message so I can check it ?

    nomrower Friend

    I’ve installed the quick start package Vik com + mod , sql file with my database prefix. Vik shows on site but if I try to open Vik through administration I get this error.

    Adam M Moderator

    Hi @nomrower,

    Please have a look at this thread, try again and let me know the result then.

    nomrower Friend

    Hello Adam
    I’ve already read this post I’ve done this proccess for more that 10 times. (When I started over I deleted all files on server and the database also) Still not working.. Should I sent you my sql file? I Replaced wherever I found jarent with my tables prefix

    Adam M Moderator

    Hi @nomrower,

    In this case, please stay tuned while I’m checking the package and I will reply back shortly.

    Best regards,


    nomrower Friend

    Still the same luck. I did a fresh install again with the instructions you provided Adam but i keep getting the same error:
    1054 Unknown column ‘nominative’ in ‘field list’ SQL=SELECT id,custdata,status,idcar,ritiro,consegna,idplace,idreturnplace,country,nominative FROM pier1_vikrentcar_orders WHERE ritiro>1456351199 ORDER BY pier1_vikrentcar_orders.ritiro ASC LIMIT 6;

    when i try to open VikRentCar from components in my Joomla Administration Panel. I also just noticed that when i try to change the theme colour for example it changes everywhere except HomePage. Why is this happening? Could it be the sql file you provided faulty? I would appreciate a fast response because I’ve been trying for 5 days now without success and the site has to go online asap. Thanks in advance Dimitrios

    ps: im also attaching the sql file I’ve downloaded and edited (replaced jarent with my database prefix (pier1))

    Adam M Moderator

    Hi @nomrower,

    Please kindly provide a temporary FTP account via private reply as well so I can check this matter for you.

    nomrower Friend
    This reply has been marked as private.
    Adam M Moderator

    Hi @nomrower,

    Thanks for the info, I passed this matter to development team so they can check it for you, please stay tuned.

    nomrower Friend

    Adam I’m still waiting. nothing happened no-one checked the site. I’m stuck with this error and i can’t continue filling the site without the most important element working. It has been 10 days now and i have to wait 24hrs for each answer which also means nothing.

    Adam M Moderator

    Hi @nomrower,

    Sorry for the delay. I sent a request to ask about the issue status from development team but look like they’re still working on it. The problem is much complicated than expected so we would appreciate your understanding in this matter and we will reply back asap to let you know about the solution.

    Best regards,


    Adam M Moderator

    Hi @nomrower,

    Many thanks for your patience. Please try to reinstall Vikrentca (navigate to Extensions >>> Extension Manager >>> re-upload Vikrentcar installation package) and let me know the result then.

    joomart06 Friend
    This reply has been marked as private.
    nomrower Friend

    Same result. nothing changed. still not working. I’ve reinstalled Vikrentcar successfully but I’m still getting the same error. Are we going to solve the problem? i don’t see any help coming. All the things you suggested doing I’ve already done. these are the first steps of troubleshooting. i need some serious help. i can’t wait any longer. I’ve been waiting for more than 12 days for a single problem which is not even my fault. the site has to go up…

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 23 total)

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