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  • khalva Friend

    Hi, I’ve just checked with another machine – windows laptop Lenovo – this issue appears there as well.

    I guess that when you’re visiting the website you’re not staying on the page for more than 1-2 seconds. Please have some patience and when going to a pagionation – wait for a 4-5 seconds, then go to another pagination page and stay there for a few seconds, then go back, it will appear.

    One more video, please take a look at what I’m doing and the timing, and my mouse position… everything…

    Come on, make me a happy boy on Christmas πŸ˜€ Le’ts fix this πŸ™‚ I have faith! πŸ˜€ πŸ™‚

    Saguaros Moderator

    The video has limited time so I did it fast in the recording. Believe me I did it so slow in several PCs. Its hard to help without seeing error. I’m willing to help you out.

    khalva Friend

    Hmm, ok, tell me how to show you the error when it appears and I’m going to do it.
    If you want, we could contact via teamviewer or maybe Skype, maybe Messenger? Could you be so kind to add me as a contact to skype: kirilyovev_

    Here I am at facebook:


    Or anything else?

    khalva Friend

    Hello, could you also pass this issue to some of your colleagues? Maybe he’ll be able to detect this issue.

    khalva Friend

    Hello, I’ve asked a few local fellows (developers) if they see this issue, they confirmed that it appears.
    If you can’t see these issues, they’ll be capable of fixing all of these, you guys (Joomlart) could just cover the expenses, because this issue should be fixed, it can not remain that way.

    So what are going to do about that?
    P.S. Merry Christmas πŸ™‚

    Saguaros Moderator

    Let me check with my colleague again.

    khalva Friend

    Cool, thx πŸ™‚

    Saguaros Moderator

    I can’t replicate the issue but you can try to shorten the description text so that the product description can display in one line:

    • Open the file: templates/ja_megastore/html/com_virtuemart/sublayouts/products.php
    • Approx line 104, change to this:
      echo shopFunctionsF::limitStringByWord ($product->product_s_desc, 5, ' ...') ?>

    I attach this file so you can take a comparison.

    1. products.php_.zip
    khalva Friend

    Hello @saguaros,
    thank you for your assistance during the year and in this particular issue :)))
    I wish you good health and happiness in 2017 πŸ™‚

    I can’t replicate the issue but you can try to shorten the description text so that the product description can display in one line:
    Open the file: templates/ja_megastore/html/com_virtuemart/sublayouts/products.php
    Approx line 104, change to this:
    echo shopFunctionsF::limitStringByWord ($product->product_s_desc, 5, ‘ …’) ?>

    What is this thing doing? I’m afraid that it’s not possible to shorten the description so it can display in one line because some of the product’s names are longer and we can’t just trim these…. πŸ™

    Also, yesterday I have visited a friend in his office, and I asked him to try replicate this issue – he replicated it in his first try. I would like to mention here that my laptop resolution is 1440×900, if that matters. Macbook Air 13. Safari (Version 10.0.2 (12602.

    Would you be so kind to asign one of your colleagues? Maybe he’ll replicate this issue. Please understand that we would like to finally "run" this store, and this issue is stopping us from turning the website to "live mode"…

    Thx again for all your help πŸ™‚
    Please quote this my comment on your next salary increasement :))))

    khalva Friend

    Hello @saguaros πŸ™‚
    Do you need any further assistance? πŸ™‚

    Saguaros Moderator

    You can try to shorten the description so that the height of each item can be the same (as you can see in our demo site) first. As I mentioned above, I did try with different PCs both Windows and Mac but no luck, all work perfectly.

    khalva Friend

    Hello @saguaros, thank you for your help πŸ™‚
    How could we fix it then?
    Did you pass this issue to one of your colleagues – maybe he will see it?
    I’m surprised that you’re not locating it as I’m seeing very often.
    I’m hiring a developer right now so he can fix this….

    khalva Friend

    Hello, here’s another video:

    Here’s the URL:

    Saguaros Moderator

    This is weird as I also checked with safari browser, I will check with my colleague once again to see how it goes.

    khalva Friend

    Ok, thx, actually I have hired a developer that I’m working with so we can solve this.
    Could you be so kind to check if you find the reason of that?

Viewing 15 posts - 16 through 30 (of 33 total)

This topic contains 32 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  khalva 8 years ago.

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