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  • Saguaros Moderator


    You will need to customize the product view layout or seek for a suitable plugin to display them in tabs.


    framos41 Friend

    Thank you, i have not find any plugin for this! in the product view layout i can see the structure of the tabs and then below the other ones, should i follow the same structure that the product description and reviews that are shown in tabs to show for example "onbot" position on a extra tab? or related products shown in a extra tab? do you have any idea on what should i change there? this code is where it is:

    <div class="productdetails-tabs">
          <ul class="nav nav-tabs">
                <li class="active"><a href="#desc" data-toggle="tab"><?php echo JText::_('COM_VIRTUEMART_PRODUCT_DESC_TITLE') ?></a></li>
                <!-- <li><a href="#review" data-toggle="tab">Comentarios</a></li> -->
            <div class="tab-content">
                <div id="desc" class="tab-pane fade active in">
                        // Product Description
                        if (!empty($this->product->product_desc)) {
                            <div class="product-description">
                        <?php /** @todo Test if content plugins modify the product description */ ?>
                            <span class="title"><?php echo vmText::_('COM_VIRTUEMART_PRODUCT_DESC_TITLE') ?></span>
                        <?php echo $this->product->product_desc; ?>
                        } // Product Description END
                <div id="review" class="tab-pane fade">
                    <?php // onContentAfterDisplay event
                    echo $this->product->event->afterDisplayContent;
                    echo $this->loadTemplate('reviews');
        // Show child categories
        if ($this->cat_productdetails)  {
            echo $this->loadTemplate('showcategory');
        echo vmJsApi::writeJS();
        echo shopFunctionsF::renderVmSubLayout('customfields',array('product'=>$this->product,'position'=>'normal'));
        // Product Packaging
        $product_packaging = '';
        if ($this->product->product_box) {
            <div class="product-box">
                echo vmText::_('COM_VIRTUEMART_PRODUCT_UNITS_IN_BOX') .$this->product->product_box;
        <?php } // Product Packaging END ?>
        echo shopFunctionsF::renderVmSubLayout('customfields',array('product'=>$this->product,'position'=>'onbot'));
        echo shopFunctionsF::renderVmSubLayout('customfields',array('product'=>$this->product,'position'=>'related_products','class'=> 'product-related-products','customTitle' => true ));
        echo shopFunctionsF::renderVmSubLayout('customfields',array('product'=>$this->product,'position'=>'related_categories','class'=> 'product-related-categories'));

    Looking forward to your comments, regards!

    framos41 Friend

    I have solved it! Thanks for your help you can close the topic, regards!

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This topic contains 3 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  framos41 7 years, 3 months ago.

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