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  • wjagw Friend


    I have a problem updating store configuration or product detail through Virtuemart.

    If I go to Components–>Virtuemart — > Store –> Edit Store
    Change the name of the store.
    Press SAVE

    Message I get is that page cannot be displayed.

    Need Urgent help as we have heaps of product to list on our store this weekend,
    any help will be appreciated.

    Thanks guys.


    wjagw Friend

    It is working now when I use the Virtuemart extended layout.
    Don’t know why but atleast its working.

    Regards, Jag

    amy47 Friend

    Could it be a problem with layout? Seems weird that it would malfunction like that. You should check out your layout and maybe put some different designs in there. Logo garden[/url] is a website that allows you to design logos. Perhaps you could use them to make logos for your products. Good luck on orders! 🙂

    michelsmith Friend


    Check the following information http://virtuemart.net/documentation/User_Manual/Administration_Products.html

    Hope this information helps you.

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