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  • vapebar Friend

    Iv tried to setup custom fields for a few test products just to check if it displays. The problem is it only displays under the tabs position as you can check on the front end. I want it to show on when a user clicks on any product details. Iv tried everything even tried to follow a previous post and change the css code but to no avail. Could you please check this ?

    Nazario A Friend


    Did you want to custom fields like this image ?

    If so, pls try to open file: /templates/your_template_name/css/custom.css (if not exists, pls create new one) then add this rule:

    .com_virtuemart.layout-default .featured-view .product .product-details,
    .com_virtuemart.layout-default .latest-view .product .product-details,
    .com_virtuemart.layout-default .topten-view .product .product-details,
    .com_virtuemart.layout-default .recent-view .product .product-details {
    top: -60px;

    .com_virtuemart.layout-default .featured-view .product:hover .product-details,
    .com_virtuemart.layout-default .latest-view .product:hover .product-details,
    .com_virtuemart.layout-default .topten-view .product:hover .product-details,
    .com_virtuemart.layout-default .recent-view .product:hover .product-details {
    top: 0;

    Let me know if this helps

    1. Screenshot_66
    vapebar Friend


    No I am able to get the product details like the image above. That is already being displayed on the site. I am looking for this to be able to be displayed on clicking on the product details ;

    This works when i change the template to another template other than Hawkstore.

    I need to have these custom fields with different prices for my products.

    1. Untitled
    Nazario A Friend


    If you want to show the multiple price on product details, you can copy the file default_showprices.php from folder “componentscom_virtuemartviewsproductdetailstmpl” to “templatesyour_template_namehtmlcom_virtuemartproductdetails” then customize in this file by yourself.

    It would be best, pls raise this question at the Virtuemart’s forum so that they will help you more.

Viewing 4 posts - 1 through 4 (of 4 total)

This topic contains 4 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Nazario A 10 years, 5 months ago.

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