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  • cepedalc Friend

    I paid US$70 to renew my Membership for Joomla Template club, I also Paid US$54 for Joomlart Extension Club, I regret it with all my heart. the support here counts on Members when it should have been staff members or actual pros involved with the development of the code to support us.

    I could have have better paid a hack site less money and get your templates with the same support. This is my last dollar I spend on your stuff Joomlart.

    Teline IV is crap with out support, this has become the first ever template to cause so much trouble to a user, if you do no believe me just sit and wait like you have done so far, do not answer anybody questions.

    TomC Moderator

    Good Grief . . . Another rant/rave about how “horrible” JA is – without any real substantive examples to back up the tirade.

    Must be something in the air – especially considering that the VAST MAJORITY of JA Members seem to be pretty satisfied with the support they get – be it from JA Staff and/or JA Community Members.

    And incidentally, WHAT’S WRONG with getting support from JA Community Members? A great many issue I have needed assistance with has been addressed and answered by virtue of VERY HELPFUL community members. You rant as though getting help from “non JA Staff” community members is such a bad thing. NEWSFLASH, many of the JA Staff STARTED OUT as JA Community Members.

    Perhaps if you spent a little less energy thinking about how you can try to throw mud and stones at JA – and a little more time demonstrating PATIENCE, CONSIDERATION and perpetuating MUTUAL COOPERATIVE RESPECT – you might actually overcome some of the issues you’re dealing with . . . and learn a little something in the process.

    . . . or is your chosen signature just a string of meaningless words?


    iboux Friend

    <em>@tcraw1010 209123 wrote:</em><blockquote>Good Grief . . . Another rant/rave about how “horrible” JA is – without any real substantive examples to back up the tirade.

    Must be something in the air – especially considering that the VAST MAJORITY of JA Members seem to be pretty satisfied with the support they get – be it from JA Staff and/or JA Community Members.

    And incidentally, WHAT’S WRONG with getting support from JA Community Members? A great many issue I have needed assistance with has been addressed and answered by virtue of VERY HELPFUL community members. You rant as though getting help from “non JA Staff” community members is such a bad thing. NEWSFLASH, many of the JA Staff STARTED OUT as JA Community Members.

    Perhaps if you spent a little less energy thinking about how you can try to throw mud and stones at JA – and a little more time demonstrating PATIENCE, CONSIDERATION and perpetuating MUTUAL COOPERATIVE RESPECT – you might actually overcome some of the issues you’re dealing with . . . and learn a little something in the process.

    . . . or is your chosen signature just a string of meaningless words?


    i can tell that JT4 is working for me with the help of the community members. i finally have a site i really like after so many templates. hope it works for you too. never give up. reconsider.

    stuarta60 Friend

    <em>@cepedalc 209117 wrote:</em><blockquote>I paid US$70 to renew my Membership for Joomla Template club, I also Paid US$54 for Joomlart Extension Club, I regret it with all my heart. the support here counts on Members when it should have been staff members or actual pros involved with the development of the code to support us.

    I could have have better paid a hack site less money and get your templates with the same support. This is my last dollar I spend on your stuff Joomlart.

    Teline IV is crap with out support, this has become the first ever template to cause so much trouble to a user, if you do no believe me just sit and wait like you have done so far, do not answer anybody questions.</blockquote>


    I have to say in my business the purchase of a developers membership has been without doubt the BEST purchase I have ever made!

    Not only do we get 1st class support from other members but we also get 5 star support from JA staff!!

    Thanks Again Joomlart! I know you have great things for 2011!!

    steinar Friend

    <em>@cepedalc 209117 wrote:</em><blockquote>I paid US$70 to renew (…) it should have been staff members or actual pros involved with the development of the code to support us.</blockquote>

    I agree, cepedecalc!
    A friend of mine who couldn’t drive a car nevertheless bought one. Of course the seller took care of the driving until my friend got the hang of it. Isn’t that the way it always works?

    Now, when you have paid a fortune for a complicated product like Teline IV, you have all the right in the world to expect the seller to provide as many hours of handholding you might need to be a proficient webmaster. It’s only fair.

    planningforce Friend


    splico123 Friend

    I dont know what the gripe is about anyways. Members here are one of the best supporting community i have come across. Its really been a brieze installing and using tgeir templates and extensions. I am starting to use teline iv in my production site and i am very very pleased with template performance.

    Template is great, has few smaller bugs that are easylly worked around witgout or with help of forum community.

    Pretty much only gripe i have is that tgere are no more great extensions included in template like JAComment.

    Phill Moderator

    <em>@planningforce 209220 wrote:</em><blockquote>I must admit that I’ve also been waiting for an answer since yesterday.
    I’m stuck with a “E_NOLOGIN_ACCESS” and still haven’t received any answers…
    Poor first experience for me, I must admit, hope somebody will help anyway…</blockquote>

    Can you provide a link to your thread please?

    Sometimes forum threads get overlooked but we also have a ticket system where all problems will be answered. The forum is very active and supported by the excellent JA community but should you have an urgent problem then the ticket system will guarentee a response. We are here to help and will do our best.

    questbg Friend

    Is it me or are there about a zillion posts like this every day just now?

    mmm .. perhaps jealous competitors! πŸ™‚

    Mr. cepedalc – with 115 downloads, I would say you’ve had your $70 dollars worth already.

    Oh, and as tcraw said, what’s wrong with community assistance? Us guys get to test templates in ‘real life’ situations, and if we find a fix, we share … simple!

    Phill Moderator


    I think the community may be more willing to assist with your learning curve if you were less abrasive in your threads. Consistantly berating just gets peoples backs up. People have tried to help you with some success especially when at times the information provided has been minimal.

    As for your comments in another of your threads maybe you should consider what you are writing before you write. Comments such as “get out of the business and stay where you at in India or whatever you are and do something else.” can come accross in a bad light.

    For your information JA are based in Vietnam with staff worldwide. There are a couple in India, lots in Vietnam, some in Europe. There are supporters like myself from every country in the world which is why the forum can be so usefull. People struggle with getting their point accross in one language is no problem when you have such a broad community.

    Waste, not waist is the correct grammar Just kidding.

    akwasi_c Friend

    Well, this community has been very helpful to some of us, and since ‘cepedalc’ might have hit a nerve which has attracted many others to joomlarts defense, I would like to take the platform to throw in some few issues that I need help with in Teline IV
    1. When I use ja-news-1 with the default theme selected, everything squeezes to the left
    2. How can I change the other of the categories list in the Ja-news-1 and also get the Ja-News pro mouse hoover color change like seen in the demo
    3. How do you update the embedded code for the hot video

    Phill Moderator

    I’ll briefly answer your third questions but please start threads on the others as it is going to be hard to follow in this one.

    You are not the first person who has struggled with the hot video module. If you go into the Joomla settings and select “no editor” and look at the article you will see that it is simply an iframe. You can with a bit of effort get Tiny to also see the code but you have to go into the settings for Tiny for that (if you struggly to find the right one please start a new thread).

    If I were you I would use AVR reloaded to insert the videos. For more details start a new thread as your problems will probably get lost in this one.

    itsnexgen Friend

    <em>@cepedalc 209117 wrote:</em><blockquote>I paid US$70 to renew my Membership for Joomla Template club, I also Paid US$54 for Joomlart Extension Club, I regret it with all my heart. the support here counts on Members when it should have been staff members or actual pros involved with the development of the code to support us.</blockquote>
    I dont have a problem whether my mom or dad help me in eating food. Whats the difference?

    You are in a community & using a community product. Understand the basics.. We should drive the Joomla community & JA Community members are doing excellent join.

    <em>@cepedalc 209117 wrote:</em><blockquote>I could have have better paid a hack site less money and get your templates with the same support. This is my last dollar I spend on your stuff Joomlart.</blockquote>
    You already downloaded so many.. for $70 thats more than a hack πŸ™‚

    cepedalc Friend

    Okay, okay okay… let me breeze now please.

    1) Never said I did not want help from the community, NEVER…got that? on the opposite, I do love the community and the help I always gotten from it.

    2) How Many Downloads? yes it is true, but… How many are there inside Teline IV itself? how many times have I downloaded the same package? maybe 10 times?…trying to get a package that really works for me… did you keep track of that Joomlart? not you guys, I know just see the number that shows on my profile. Just to clarify more I am not a developer, I am a simple user with a single site using joomlart with Teline since its birth in 2007. I recently bought the extension membership and yes I downloaded almost all of them because I plan to use them in my site, and guess the first and the reason I bought the membership ( JAcomment) did not work in my site at first, I placed a ticket to support and that was about 3 days ago, have no answer yet…nice.

    3) Wow!!! I am pleased now, it seems that I called everyone attention with this one, this should be very useful now…yeah guys please look at my post and also take some time and comment on my issues with the template as well, that would really help me.

    4) Joomlart…, Members, the community. Please accept my apologies, yeah I was too tough on you guys, should probably never said what I said, I am not that type anyways, so let me take that back and trash it.

    5) thank you all for understanding my frustration at this point.

    Phill Moderator

    1, We do try.

    2. Is it fixed, if not what is the ticket number?

    3. I’ve looked at your other threads and answered one of them but as of yet you have not replied (instead you replied to this one). Is that issue fixed? I only intend to look at one issued at a time for you. The first issue I picked (and please do not take offence to thi) appears on the surface to be a lack in your knowledge regarding Joomla. While most providers will help you with only issues directly related to their product (the car analogy is a good one, if your car breaks down then you dealer will help. If you do not know how to drive then you have to pay an instructor), the community and JA on the forums will often try to be the instructor.

    4. That is fine. As you can see, the Joomla and JA community do support each other well and get passionate about it at times. If you play the game and join in then you do get a lot back in return.

    5. We all get frustrated at times but I certainly find it better to have a constructive convertation regarding those issued. Nobody likes to be on the recieving end of a slagging off and that is how your numerous posts and threads came accross. JA, its supporters and its members are alsways willing to give help but will also be as quick to defend one another.

    You have been a member before and had success with the first Teline template. Things in Joomla have changed a lot since 2007 as has the internet. As technology has increased so has the complexity of the tools the webmaster requires. That involves a steeper learning curve for all of us and often does become a challenge. I know you have been struggling for five days but believe me that is a short time and an especially a short time to learn such a complex new template. I too have only just scratched the surface and agree that there are still one or two bugs that need ironing out. However it is a very new template with some new extension so it may take a few days.

    With all template clubs I find it best to wait a couple of weeks before developing on a new template on a live site. I will always do my testing on a local setup and in this case that may be the best option for you. If you have never tried WAMP ( ) then give it a go now. It is a free package that will allow you to install as many quickstarts as you wish on your local machine with none of that tedious waiting to upload stuff. You can experiment to your hearts content safe in the knowledge that it will do no damage to your live site and if it breaks you can restore in less than 2 minutes.

    If you give me your ticket number I will see if I can access the ticket system (there have been problems over the last couple of days) and take a look. I will then close this particular thread as it is turning the wrong way IMO.

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 20 total)

This topic contains 20 replies, has 12 voices, and was last updated by  Phill 13 years, 10 months ago.

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