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  • meiros Friend

    Hi Guys,

    Can you helpe with tree questions? My URL is

    1 – How can incarese the space betwen K2 item’s?

    2 – I need to delete the K2 Categorie subtitle. Is it possible?

    3 – I already defined K2 Categorie layout two colums at the leading and primary items, with no sucess. Tho you know why?


    1. erro4
    jooservices Friend

    For question 1 :
    please go to site/JA15/templates/ja_minisite/css/k2.css
    on line 23 please add this code
    [PHP] margin-bottom: 13px;[/PHP]
    [PHP] line-height: 24px;[/PHP]
    For question 2 ,3 could you please explain more detail about it ? If you can provide a screen shot for #2, #3 that’s great.

    meiros Friend

    I think the screen shot I had posted compiles the tree questions.

    First red arrow: the subtitle of K2 Categorie that I want delete

    The red question mark: shows the rigth blank space. I want two colums with item’s but i don’t know why dosen’t work. I already defined at K2 categorie options.

    jooservices Friend

    For the subtitle you can try to delete in css by :
    JA15/templates/ja_minisite/css/k2.css on line 812 search for
    [PHP]div.itemListCategory h2[/PHP]
    and add this code into it
    [PHP] display: none;[/PHP]

    For second issue could you please provide us your site backend access and FTP information so i can check out for you carefully.
    Kindly fill these information into private field by editing your first post.

    meiros Friend

    I already edit my first post with FTP and Administration acess. Did you recived?

    jooservices Friend

    I saw it. let’s me check it.
    Thank you
    Viet Vu

    meiros Friend


    I have no news from you. I couldn’t solve the problem. Can you help ?

    meiros Friend

    I counldn’t solve the problem. Here it is a picture of my site:

    1 – The text was set to the right leaving room for another column;
    2 . The picture didn´t resized. I’ve tried it with smaller images but got the same result;
    3 – The sapce for the second colun of item’s


    1. erro7
    chavan Friend

    Add this code to this file:

    #itemListPrimary .catItemIntroText p{
    #itemListPrimary .itemContainer{
    width:100% !important;

    Note: If you Find my Post useful please click on the Thanks Icon

    meiros Friend

    I think you didn’t understand my problem. I want tow coluns with K2 item’s. My K2 Categorie is “Serviços” and I want a two colums with 8 K2 Item’s. I think is a bug!


    jooservices Friend

    I’ve just back to my country and have just checked your website.
    This URL look like you already have solved your issue with 2 cols ?
    Please let’s me know if you still need any help.
    Thank you
    Viet Vu

    meiros Friend

    Hi jooservices, I couldn´t solve the problem. :((

    I tried to fake the problem creating a sub-categorie for eache item. If you know how to solve my problem I will thank you because this way is not a good way. If you couldn’t i will try this way.

    In this method, using subcategories without item’s, I have other two new problems:

    – 1 – Can you tell me how to delete the ” children categories” subtitle?

    – 2 – Can you tell me how to delete the ” view items” link. I don’t want any link in sub-categorie, so I will also need to disable the sub-categorie picture link;

    1. erro9
    jooservices Friend

    #1: Sub Categories text was removed
    #2. Read more text was removed
    #3. Link of Category Images was removed

    Please check at your side.
    Thank you
    Viet Vu

    meiros Friend

    Thanks Jooservices!! For me this is not the best way to do what I want but will do the job!

    One more question:

    Why the sapce between Subcategories in “OPCIONAIS” Categories is higher than in “SERVIÇOS”? I want both like “SERVIÇOS”.

    jooservices Friend

    <em>@meiros 274427 wrote:</em><blockquote>
    Why the sapce between Subcategories in “OPCIONAIS” Categories is higher than in “SERVIÇOS”? I want both like “SERVIÇOS”.</blockquote>
    It’s because there are some article with too long intro text but some are short while the page requires every article item in that layout has to have the same height value. Now you try to equalize all the intro texts to solve this issue.
    Viet Vu

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 15 total)

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