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  • mgerity Friend

    On the JA Portfolio template, I want to either move the “content-main” above the JA Tabs, which is contained in the middle.content-mass-top position, or create a new position above the middle.content-mass-top position that looks and acts like the content-main block.

    I tried to edit the Default layout in the layout manager, thinking I could just move the content-mass-top block below the main block, but there is no “main” block listed at all. So, this makes me think that “main” is different from other blocks.

    That may mean it is easier to instead create a new block above the content-mass-top position. However, I’m VERY new at all of this, so I need some help with that. I think I can handle adding the code for the block before the code for the content-mass-top block, but creating the actual new block and content to look like what’s under main is not something I’ve been able to figure out. Can I just copy a different block and then put it in my new position, or something like that?

    TomC Moderator

    It would be easiest if you submit a support ticket with your site url and admin username/password so myself and/or another one of the Support Team can take a look and see if we can assist you in reorganizing blocks. (Note: ONLY Support Team members can see this information).

    Thanks !!

    Thanh Nguyen Viet Friend

    Hi mgerity,

    This guide may be helpful for you, pls try to read it

    mgerity Friend

    I reviewed that Guide, but it didn’t seem to give me what I need. The content-main section is obviously different from other blocks, and that Guide focuses on moving the other types of blocks around. I have decided that I am probably best off to create a new block position and insert a new module into it, all above the content-mass-top block, but I have not found any resources that do a good job of explaining to a newb how to create a new block and then create a new module and control how that module looks. There is information about creating a new block position, but that is about it. I will need to create a new module, apparently, and I need one that will look and behave like the content-main. That is something I’m not finding much to go on.

    cssyeah Moderator

    Hi mgerity,

    If you want to move main above tabs, do some follow steps:

    Step 1: Open the default.xml file in the core/layout/ folder. Add new position in the main content.

    <blocks name="middle" colwidth="20">
    <block name="content-mass-top" style="raw">content-mass-top</block>
    <block name="inset1" style="jaxhtml">left</block>
    <block name="right1" style="jaxhtml">right</block>
    <block name="content-mass-bottom" style="raw">content-mass-bottom</block>

    Step 2: Login to your back-end of your site, goto “/Extensions/Module Manager/” menu. Click to the JA Tabs module.

    Step 3: In the Position select box, you type “content-mass-bottom” and Press “Save” button.

    Step 4: Clear T3 Cache.

    Step 5: Open the templates.css file in the css folder and add the following css code section.

    .ja-mass-bottom {
    background: #fff;
    margin-top: 20px;

    Step 6: Back to font-end and Refresh it.

    Step 7: Reply this thread if it don’t work. Thanks 🙂

    mgerity Friend

    Thank you very much for the detailed instructions. However, I decided in one of the posts above that I was probably better off to simply create a new position and a new module instead of moving the tabs out of the content-mass-top area. Besides, creating and formatting a new module is something I really need to know how to do.

    So, your instructions are very clear as to how to create that new position, though I think I would instead do it this way if I wanted to create a new position ABOVE the tabs:

    <blocks name="middle" colwidth="20">
    <block name="new-psition" style="raw">new-position</block>
    <block name="content-mass-top" style="raw">content-mass-top</block>
    <block name="inset1" style="jaxhtml">left</block>
    <block name="right1" style="jaxhtml">right</block>

    Now I would need to create a new module to put in my “new-position” above content-mass-top.

    So, what I really would like are detailed instructions on how to 1) create a new module (or copy an existing one); and 2) edit its appearance so that it looks similar to the content-main section (or, again, simply copy an existing module that already looks that way).

    cssyeah Moderator

    With a position you can assign multiple module and you can put some module to the content-mass-top postion. I think, you don’t need create new a position. 🙂

    mgerity Friend

    Okay, but then how do I create the new module, or copy one that looks something like what is showing up in the content-main area?

    mgerity Friend

    If there is an existing module that is similar in appearance to the content-main, perhaps I could just make a copy of that module and put it there. I just don’t know if such a module exists. I assume I could just copy a module with a new name. If there isn’t already a module like that, or if I can’t just copy them, I’d then have to create a new one and format it from scratch. I can’t find anything on how to do that.

    mgerity Friend

    I just tried using the Sample Module and putting it into content-mass-top above the JA Tabs module. However, that method does not create a border between the two sections. I think I have to create a new position in order to get that divider between them. Is that correct?

    mgerity Friend

    And I have now spent over an hour trying to add a new block position above content-mass-top. This does NOT work, no matter what I try, if I make up a new name for my block position. For example, if I edit the template layout as follows:

    <blocks name="middle" colwidth="20">
    <block name="content-mass-first" type="modules" style="raw">content-mass-first</block>
    <block name="content-mass-top" style="raw">content-mass-top</block>
    <block name="inset1" style="jaxhtml">left</block>
    <block name="right1" style="jaxhtml">right</block>

    NOTHING happens, and I have tried this with and without the type=”modules” code. I have also tried this calling the new block position “intro” and a variety of other names. If I use a name for my new block that already exists (content-mass-bottom, content-top, etc), then my new module actually shows up, but NOT above content-mass-top. These all show up in the apparent default location for blocks with those names. So, clearly that is not the solution.

    What is starting to annoy me is that I have now read something like 10 or 15 different forum posts on the topic of creating a new block position, and NONE of them address this issue. This should NOT be this difficult. Every single forum post on this issue simply says to add the code line listed above and that’s it, but obviously that is NOT it. That only works if you are adding in one of the pre-defined blocks. I want a NEW block.

    I want to create a new block position with a name that I make up. The addition of code shown above to the default.xml is the ONLY thing ever discussed anywhere that I can find to accomplish this, but it doesn’t work at all, at least not if I create my own position name, like intro, or content-mass-first.

    Sherlock Friend

    Hi Friend
    If you only want to have new module above JA Tabs module, you don’t need to create new position for it, only have to assign a module to same position(content-mass-top) and order it above JA Tabs.
    Most important with you now is find a module and style it like content block, you can try some modules like JA News,JA News pro or find on, then style it as you want.

    mgerity Friend

    Thanks for your response, but I tried putting my new module into the content-mass-top position, and the problem was that no border was formed between the two modules. If you look at the demo site, you will see that there is a strip of the grey background between all module positions. When I simply put a new module into the content-mass-top position, I don’t get that separating border at all.

    That’s why I’m pretty sure I need to create a new module position. More on that issue below.

    mgerity Friend

    Okay, so I have discovered that there is something very different about the content-mass-top position that is causing my problems. I decided to try adding my new module position to the bottom of the “Top” block, instead of trying to put it at the top of the “Middle” block. This, in theory, would still end up putting my new module above the JA Tabs module in the content-mass-top position.

    This worked exactly as described elsewhere. I simply had to insert my new module position in the final spot of the Top block through the template manager on the backend. So, WHY DOESN’T THAT WORK TO ADD A POSITION ABOVE CONTENT-MASS-TOP in the middle block? What is different about the middle block that is making the EXACT same procedure fail when trying to add a position there?

    I need an answer to this question, because putting the new module at the bottom of the Top block doesn’t get me exactly what I want. The problem with that solution is that the new module can’t sit between the Left and Right positions in the Middle block the way I want it to. (Th reason for this obvious, because now my new module is in the Top block, not the Middle block.) So, I am right back to having to figure out how to add a module position above content-mass-top, which simply is not working the way it should.

    Sherlock Friend


    So, WHY DOESN’T THAT WORK TO ADD A POSITION ABOVE CONTENT-MASS-TOP in the middle block? What is different about the middle block that is making the EXACT same procedure fail when trying to add a position there?

    Problem is how T3 plugin loads positions in block, please go to folder pluginssystemjat3base-themesdefaultpage, open default.php, find line 60

    if($this->hasBlock('content-mass-top')) :
    Change to

    if($this->hasBlock('content-mass-first')) :
    $block1 = $this->getBlockXML ('content-mass-first');
    <div id="ja-content-mass-first" class="ja-mass ja-mass-top clearfix">
    <?php $this->showBlock ($block1); ?>

    if($this->hasBlock('content-mass-top')) :


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