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  • chanthorn Friend

    At Job detail page; when i click “Apply ” button , it’ll show Your Application form.
    I want to resize the width of the message box because it’s too long.
    where can i edit it?


    1. Resize-message-box
    Anonymous Moderator

    <em>@chanthorn 180723 wrote:</em><blockquote>At Job detail page; when i click “Apply ” button , it’ll show Your Application form.
    I want to resize the width of the message box because it’s too long.
    where can i edit it?


    Hi Chanthorn,

    In order to do this, you must replace the code line 134 at file /components/com_jajobboard/views/jajobs/tmpl/applytojob.php below

    $input = ‘<input type=”hidden” id=”‘.$field->field_name.$item->id.'” name =”‘.$field->field_name.$item->id.'” value=”” />’;
    $input .= ‘<textarea class=”tinymce” id=”‘.$field->field_name.$item->id.’-editor” name=”‘.$field->field_name.$item->id.’-editor”></textarea>’;

    if (($field->is_required == ‘1’) && (! $field->is_readonly))
    $input .= ‘<font color=”red”>*</font>’;

    with the following ones

    $input = ‘<input type=”hidden” id=”‘.$field->field_name.$item->id.'” name =”‘.$field->field_name.$item->id.'” value=”” />’;

    // Load the JEditor object
    $editor = & JFactory::getEditor ();

    $field->field_height = $field->field_height ? $field->field_height : 200;
    $field->field_width = $field->field_width ? $field->field_width : 300;
    // parameters : areaname, content, width, height, cols, rows, button?
    $input = $editor->display ( $field->field_name.$item->id, $value, ‘100%’, $field->field_height, ’70’, ’15’, false, array (‘theme’ => ‘simple’ ) );

    if (($field->is_required == ‘1’) && (! $field->is_readonly))
    $input .= ‘<font color=”red”>*</font>’;

    If you want a direct fix, please give me your ftp and admin account.

    chanthorn Friend

    i can’t fix it and i have sent you my FTP & admin joomla user and password to you by private message.


    Anonymous Moderator

    <em>@chanthorn 181936 wrote:</em><blockquote>i can’t fix it and i have sent you my FTP & admin joomla user and password to you by private message.


    Hi there.

    I already fixed this error on your site.

    Please double check and get back to us for further help.

    chanthorn Friend

    thanks for your support 🙂

Viewing 5 posts - 1 through 5 (of 5 total)

This topic contains 5 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  chanthorn 14 years, 3 months ago.

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