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  • davidsg3 Friend


    I want to show my related products in 2 columns, not in 1 how it shows today.

    Please, where I must to go to make the change?


    1. Captura-de-pantalla-2012-11-07-a-las-14.48.21
    swissa Friend


    scroll to bottom and see ‘Amount of related products in a row’

    If that doesn’t work install the new template using joomshopping i.e. just pick this zip file in administrator/index.php?option=com_jshopping&controller=update

    davidsg3 Friend

    Hi swissa:

    It worked so good!

    Thanks for your fast reply.

    The joomlart staff should consider about to name you as a moderator!

    Thanks a lot!

    davidsg3 Friend

    Hi swisaa.

    I Identified a new problem.

    can you check it?

    You can see all the text in de right zone. How can I change it?


    swissa Friend

    How did you load the video – into the description? Or did you load it under the Video tab in the product?

    Needs the template to be adjusted I think.

    swissa Friend


    First off you need to paste this into your Spanish language file – in /components/com_jshopping/lang/es-ES.php

    define('_JSHOP_ZOOM_IMAGE', 'Zoom image');
    and edit the right ‘Zoom image’ to what you want in Spanish.

    There are a couple of ways you can solve this without hacking the template. Or you can hack the template!! 🙂

    Jshopping allows you to load videos about products so that it appears with the thumbnails on the product listing…You can load a placement picture instead of the cine reel. Keeps all media together but means you have to store the videos on your server.

    Or you could use jce editor and insert a smaller image and have it play in a popup which looks good and allows you to use youtube and vimeo links – http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IwtAbWt1izM

    1. inline-video
    davidsg3 Friend

    I pasted the video trough youtube.

    Before an upgrade, it shows all the information so good.

    Now, erasing the video too, it shows the text in the right zone.

    I don’t know how to proceed to avoid this wrong alignement…

    davidsg3 Friend

    Swissa, I have erased this php lines to avoid this zoom image because you can make this clicking the image.

    I have just erased this:

    <div class=”text_zoom”>
    <img src=”<?php print $this->path_to_image?>/search.png” alt=”zoom” /> <?php print _JSHOP_ZOOM_IMAGE?>

    The only thing I would like to solve is the text alignement.

    I would like to have it aligned to the left, under the pictures.

    Can you help me?

    swissa Friend

    <em>@davidsg3 345218 wrote:</em><blockquote>Can you help me?</blockquote>

    It’s Tiris so hopefully I can!!! 😀

    You can try this css

    Go to /components/com_jshopping/css/ja_tiris.css and line 292


    .productfull .product-detail { float: left;
    width: 335px;


    .productfull .product-detail { }

    Hopefully that will get you what you want?!

    If you want it all under the images then use
    .productfull .product-detail { float: left;}

    (I wouldn’t want to be a moderator but a free developer upgrade I gratefully accept!! :))

    davidsg3 Friend

    Where we need to sign for your upgrade?

    Thanks very much! our problem is solved right now.


    swissa Friend

    <em>@davidsg3 345226 wrote:</em><blockquote>
    Thanks very much! our problem is solved right now.


    De nada. You are welcome. Good looking site – even has Swiss underground car parks! I hope you are doing regular akeeba backups! 🙂

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