I have gone through the general documentation a couple of times on how to add a language translation to my site.
Because Joomla 3 came preloaded with a lot of languages already installed, the option on the “Translate to” line shows 38 languages. I see no option to select or deselect any of these languages. The button at the bottom of the page only states “Translate All”.
Given there are 38 languages in the list, Bing automatically starts with the top language (Arabic) and starts to work through the 38 languages but runs out of my monthly characters by the second or third language. I do not want some of these languages and some languages are more of priority than others.
I really want to choose the languages I want to have translated and do it in the order that works best for us.
In order to get Bing to translate only the languages I want done and in the order I want done, do I need to remove all the languages to only do the one or two I want this month? Then each month, do I then add back another language for translation?
Thank you for your help.