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  • cgc0202 Friend

    Hi Cheryl and cjmicro,

    The issue might be how you copy and paste, and where you are coming from. If you copy from an old version of Joomla 1.5.x to an upgraded version that might be an issue. Or, if you paste it into certain simple text editors. If you copied from the “edit feature” then they are lost. I copy from the HTML Editor version. Not sure if that is the issue.

    Here is what I do now, since the problem started with the spacing ISO being stripped.

    I now keep html format of my contents in my computer using a simple editor, “Page Spinner”. I need to do this anyway because I do hyperlinking. I have to change the URLs for the linked items.

    I copy the html formatted material directly into the JCE html editor. So far, it worked for me. Knock on wood.


    ps5t0ck5 Friend

    Thanks for this Cornelio,

    I’ll have a look at Page Spinner. I normally just copy and paste from notepad. All I’m doing for now is changing global config to no editor when updating pages with ‘sensitive’ code.

    cgc0202 Friend

    <em>@ps5t0ck5 141493 wrote:</em><blockquote>Thanks for this Cornelio,

    I’ll have a look at Page Spinner. I normally just copy and paste from notepad. All I’m doing for now is changing global config to no editor when updating pages with ‘sensitive’ code.</blockquote>


    My copy of PageSpinner is very old. If I remember correctly it is only for Mac. They might have changed since I bought it. I got a free update a few years ago. I prefer some features of the old version.

    Based from what you stated above, more than likely what you did was copy from the “Edit” window, and not the html page Editor, unlike Microsoft Word, where the htmls may be hidden, page editors like the PageSpinner will not retain the html if you copied it from the Edit window of a Joomlart article, and even if the layout seems to be as it appears in an article.

    Devoid of the html tags, a Page Spinner text will appear as one single paragraph.

    The proper thing to do, to retain the html tags is to

    1. go to Article (edit) window.
    2. open the html edit window
    3. copy content of html edit window
    4. paste into PageSpinner (or other editors)

    What you pasted in the PageSpinner should be the replica of what came from step #3.

    You should paste the one from PageSpinner (or other editors) to the html edit window (see #2 above) of the Joomla site where you wanted the article to appear.


    ps5t0ck5 Friend

    Thanks Cornelio,

    re page spinner ok – probaby not for me then.

    re html pasting – no it was to embed an advertising/affiliation leader code – I had copied it from the parent site into notepad, then pasted it from notepad into the html editor of the site I was working on. When I clicked on update it stripped most of the code out so there was no banner and no link. Works fine when I use ‘no editor’ though so that’s what I’ll stick to. Notepad may change the code or the programme language? I suppose I should really get an html specific editor to work with on my c drive when not online…but I always believed notepad was fine?

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