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  • cindycc Friend

    I want to make a Contact Us page (it connects from the main menu off my homepage) that has custom text, and then a form that is the ALF extension. How do I do this? Seems like I have to embed the extension into the page.



    TomC Moderator

    Greetings Cindy:

    To insert a module inside an article, use the {loadposition xx} command, as follows:

    1. Create a module and set its position to any value that doesn’t conflict with an existing template position. You can type in the position value instead of selecting it from the drop-down list. For example, use the position myposition.
    2. Assign the module to the Menu Items that contain the articles that you want the module to show in. You can also just assign the module to all Menu Items.
    3. Edit the articles where you want this module to appear and insert the text {loadposition myposition} in the article at the place where you want the module.

    Note that this only works when the Content – Load Module plugin is enabled. If this plugin is disabled, the text {loadposition myposition} shows unchanged in the article.

    There are also a number of extensions available for this function via the Joomla Extension Directory,

    jooservices Friend

    Is this ALF Contact component you have mentioned:


    And it’s component.

    By default component can’t include / load into Joomla! content article.

    You can load component by use this plugin:


    Or you can use Joomla API to do that by self.


    Or you can use iframe. Adding &tmpl=component ( or =raw ) will load component without whole site as raw !
    Thank you

    n6rej Friend

    <em>@jooservices 291609 wrote:</em><blockquote>Hi
    Is this ALF Contact component you have mentioned:


    And it’s component.

    By default component can’t include / load into Joomla! content article.
    Suggest to use {loadposition} in this case is wrong

    You can load component by use this plugin:


    Or you can use Joomla API to do that by self.


    Or you can use iframe. Adding &tmpl=component ( or =raw ) will load component without whole site as raw !
    Thank you</blockquote>

    Interesting find tom. I actually never knew you could do that. Good catch

    TomC Moderator

    <em>@n6rej 291610 wrote:</em><blockquote>Interesting find tom. I actually never knew you could do that. Good catch</blockquote>

    Yes, the advice I provided for Cindy absolutely works with J1.7sites – as it does with J1.5 sites.

    What’s more, Joo seems to agree with me in his mentioning of the very same alternative extension based solution(s) available within the Joomla Extension Directory. I guess I’ll take that as further vindication that the information and assistance I provided for our friend Cindy is solid.

    Thanks Joo – GREAT TEAMWORK !!!


    cindycc Friend

    OK – great you have a solution(s). However, can you give me some more specifics on how to implement it? The component I am interested in is the ALF one you showed. I plan to divide the article/page in half, put the address on the right hand side, and the Contact Us form on the right.

    Thanks much for finding a solution –


    jooservices Friend

    For most simply case to implement .
    In your article content you can use iframe like

    <iframe src="http://yourdomain.com/<link_to_alf>&tmpl=component"></iframe>

    Or i can help you directly just update me your backend access.

    Thank you.

    update:// i’m going to re-mark this thread is NOT SOLVED . Someone tried to trick here by mark as SOLVED.

    cindycc Friend

    I would like to do this myself so I will know how to do it again in the future.

    So, I put this bit of HTML code in my article’s HTML in the backend Admin. OK – I get that. It looks like this:

    <div id=”ja-left”>*
    This is where the ALF contact form goes<br>
    <iframe src=”http://plainsmontessori.com/components/com_alfcontact&tmpl=component”></iframe>

    However, when I save the article, the iframe code is removed – and so nothing shows. The other question I have here – not sure what the path is to the alf component. If you look in the filesystem, from the root of my account it is components/com_alfcontact. I don’t think the path I used is correct – what do you think?



    jooservices Friend

    #1. To get component URL you can simply make any menu on your site. And get that link
    #2. Yes. You should turn off editor while using iframe.
    #3. Above way is most simply method that don’t need use any 3rd extensions. But if you really needed you can try

    Just follow their instruction.

    Thank you

    cindycc Friend

    <em>@jooservices 291723 wrote:</em><blockquote>
    #1. To get component URL you can simply make any menu on your site. And get that link


    Sorry to be so dense. I don’t know what you mean by making a menu to get the component URL. Right now I have a menu item named Contact Us on the Main Menu that is connected to the article Contact Us. It is into this article (Contact Us) that I want to embed the extension alf_contact.
    So – do you mean to say that I need to create a new menu item within the Main Menu?
    Then, how do I get the link to the alf_contact extension?

    <em>@jooservices 291723 wrote:</em><blockquote>
    #2. Yes. You should turn off editor while using iframe.

    OK – how do you turn off the editor? Do you mean while I am logged into the backend as admin?

    <em>@jooservices 291723 wrote:</em><blockquote>



    jooservices Friend

    #1. Component URL should be like

    It should be extra some parameters depend on component. I have asked you create menu to make easier to get component link ( by copy menu link ). But if you already known, so don’t need.
    #2. Turn off editor by turn off in global configuration
    #3. Or i can simply help you via IM / TeamViewer

    Thank you

    TomC Moderator


    Did you review the information I provided for you in Post #2 of this thread?
    Were you able to understand?

    If not, we will work it through together in a way/manner that you can follow and understand. 🙂

    jooservices Friend


    There is a short video to show you how to do

    Lower resolution version in case you are using small monitor:


    – By use iframe
    – By use plugin:


    And because your ALF component using menu itemid determine which layout will use. So you will need:
    – Create new menu ( called like: hidden menu )
    – Add menu item link to ALF.
    And use that link. Or link like this:


    cindycc Friend

    Well, Jooservices sent me a video tutorial on how to do this. I have a better idea now – but still have an issue. I made two versions of the Alf component Menu item.
    1. Contact Us tab – this is a menu item that is a single article menu item, using the article Alf Contact Us. That article has an iframe in it like this (the contact form doesn’t work). I think it doesn’t work as I don’t have the right id – I tried to find the ID in the Admin backend – when I brought up the page, my browser didn’t show an item id ….

    <div id=”ja-right”>* <iframe src=”index.php?open=com_alfcontact&view=alfcontact&tmpl=component&Itemid=10019″></iframe><br>
    <div id=”ja-left”><strong>Mailing Address</strong>*<br /> Montessori International School of the Plains<br /> 851 North 74th Street<br />Omaha, NE 68114
    <p><strong>Phone</strong>*<br /> (402) 614-9074</p>

    2. Alf main menu tab – this goes just to a menu item that is the Alf Contact type (no article involved). You can see it works.

    So I think all I need now is the itemID – where do I find that? In the video, when Jooservices goes to the website and clicks on the Alf menu item, the url shows the id – my browser (Chrome and FIrefox) don’t show that.

    Thanks! I’m almost there, and have learned tons by this – everyone’s help has been great.


    n6rej Friend

    turn off sef to see the id.

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